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Temporarily Exposed

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #584915 at 28,Jun,19 08:20
Did anyone else use that site?

You could post your pics for set periods of time then they self deleted. You could let people download and share them too if you were brave! It was loads of fun but gone now

Similar topics: 1.GIFTS   2.can you increased my humiliation?   3.Exposed   4.Blacklisters be aware....   5.Been exposed online as a cocksucker. Not sure I’m as deep in the closet as I thought. What do you think?  

New Comment

By #718666 at 13,Jul,24 10:55
Try using xxxposed(dot)fun

By #594446 at 12,Aug,19 10:48
I was exposed nude, face, name and downloaded hundreds of times on TE.
[deleted image]

By toohey at 29,Jun,19 06:39 other posts of toohey 
There have been several such sites:,, getfaded, and perhaps others. They were fairly short-lived because of all the repetitive uploading of problematic pics.

I have posted on all of them, and it was fun to be 'extended' and reposted. It was a great way for people to find their courage with a modest risk. My own exposure is more than temporary.
By #592419 at 29,Jun,19 13:35
The possibility of getting caught is part of the "Arousal Fix" It takes skill and experience to make it look accidental.

By #584915 at 29,Jun,19 10:20
Hopefully there will be something new come along!

By #556187 at 28,Jun,19 08:23
I used it once or twice. It was a thrill yeah, but you know humans: they can't have nice things without a lot of idiots abusing it.

So in the end good thing that such sites are now gone, even if I liked the thrill of showing yourself fully.

Adult Discussion Forum