| I created this blog to organize all peoples thoughts so that perhaps we can sort things out and life can go on. It appears that humanity in general cannot let things go through anger and obsessions by blaming others.
You can post who is the most popular and explain why not just by looks but personality including. A good influence or a good friend.
You can also show us who you feel is the most unpopular on the site and you can explain in terms of why you feel so.. One word insults are vague,, Also, what can this person do that you mentioned to make him or herself a better human being.. I'm curious about this because I too let things bottle up inside of me and I'd like to know what I can do to live in peace.. |
This calls for a celebration.. I will cum again for you..
A good symptom(s) are to give unconditionally without recognition.. Also sacrificing one's soul for another benefit.. In christianity it does point this out as well as Torah in ancient hebrew..
What it doesn't point out is the need for self benefit
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