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Started by #612667 at 09,Mar,20 05:04
For all the cut guys would you preffer to be cut and stay that way or get a forskin restoration kit and se how you go with restoration iv done bit of forskin resto but never finished i woudnt mind a nice long forskin
I feel like I've got enough extra skin. Some folk are waaaay too tight... like I used to be. My buddy started the restoration process and actually gained a bit of length from it.
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By #202392 at 21,Sep,20 18:05
You have plenty of skin to start restoring! I was just as tight as you when I started and now I have enough skin I can pull it past the head when erect
By #202392 at 12,Mar,20 15:04
I'm restoring my foreskin with both homemade and purchased devices. My goal is to have a very long overhanging foreskin
By #612667 at 12,Mar,20 15:07
Nice takes a while to do i sorta did half job on mine
By #612667 at 12,Mar,20 15:00
You can make youre own devices or there is things like tlc tugger that are quite good
By #606106 at 09,Mar,20 15:31
Is like to restore mine more. I've started but it's a slow process
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