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How many guys have had multiple fingernails dug into there backs by more than one woman

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Started by #591921 at 22,Mar,20 04:27
I was divorced a few years ago and the other day tho younger girl who used to rent a room from me called me up. She had stopped by a few weeks ago just to say hey to me and my wife didn't know we were divorced. I haven't talked to her I probably five years. Well she called me at like 1:30am. She was tipsy too. So she asked what are you doing tonite. I told her I just took off my pants about to go to bed. She said stay just like that I dare you to answer the door naked. So shortly she knocked about 15-20 minutes later. Well she had seen me naked plenty before when she rents from me. But this Tim she came in and said ok i want me a good fuck tonite are you going to give it to me. I said sure but you got to get those clothes off. She has issues with being naked I guess a complex. So she took off her pants and got in the bed and I said oh no your not naked so I pulled off her shirt and she cupped her breast while I pulled off her bra. Then I jumped her. I flipped her around and did her all kinds of ways. Then I got her on her back and she doesn't realm like missionary. I started slow and got a little faster as I went. Then I felt her dig her nails into my back hard once. And I kept going then again she did it and she froze and breathed heavy. Then she was rubbing her hands up and down my back while I slowly slide in and out just a good steady pump. She grabbed my ass and dug her nails derp into my cheeks so hard I felt it bleeding before she let off. She was frozen again and I said let go let I go just admit it thats three times. So she let out a loud aaahhhh ohhhhh ahhh. Hmmm so once she did that I felt her wet juices cover me and flow out and I came myself. She was like you know I never admitted to a man before that he made me cum but I did three times damn that was good. I told her well your pretty tipsy are you going to stay or go. She said I'm going to Sta if its ok. So the next morning she got up and left. Well I went to get me a shower that morning and I had dry blood and lil 30-40 scabs all up and down my back. Well I had that a few times back in my 20's with a few ladies but is it me or does it hurt more when your older. Damn that hurt and I had to put hydrogen peroxide on the wounds and clean them they were deep and bloody. Damn it's been a ling time since I had that happen.

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