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Bored due to the situation... Locked down

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Started by #604890 at 22,Mar,20 10:36
Anything interesting...

Similar topics: 1.What to do when bored and alone   2.Bored   3.bored of sex ?   4.Cocks locked up   5.bored  

New Comment

By #612667 at 29,Mar,20 08:03
I think its is probally a bad thing that this has happened but just maybe as a human race we might just come out of it better stronger people with a bit more understanding for people with ongoing illnes or dissabillity and more respect and caring for each other maybe whole fresh look at life and where we are at and where we want to be as people

By #608173 at 22,Mar,20 23:26
Yes its interesting to to see that for once the talk of the day is not how we will survive after brexit . Who is going to be the next president of the USA . The climate and environment threat and so on . We are all preoccupied with a new threat to society brought on by a tiny microscopic virus bug . So tiny that it can only be seen by specialist equipment . yet it has the power to take down nations . Its also interesting to see how humanity has reacted to this new threat . How communities, religions and nations have come together and rallied round to help one another . And how governments and leaders are dealing with the situation . It will also be interesting to see how we all come through this . I do hope it will make us stronger and closer . And more tolerant of others now that the whole world is staring death in the face .

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