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How does it look in the tube?

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Started by Bobbyd73 at 28,May,21 20:39  other posts of Bobbyd73

Similar topics: 1.Miners rescue   2.searching for the right vacuum-tube size...   3.The big challenge - one for the guys on here   4.Experience on the London Underground   5.MY TUBE FAVORITES  

New Comment

By #497961 at 14,Jul,21 10:08
Looks good. How does it feel?
By Bobbyd73 at 14,Jul,21 12:31 other posts of Bobbyd73 
So fucking good. It's one of the best feelings ever. I absolutely love the suction and pressure it creates. I get it to the point that it actually hurts and then hold that pressure until I can't take anymore.

By #638193 at 23,Jun,21 16:19
It would look better in my mouth

Adult Discussion Forum