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Started by #48602 at 28,Feb,10 10:21
Hi everyone, we are enjoying this site we have so much fun doing our pics and vids, we are now looking to be the best couple on this site, but who really thinks that we can be the best? thanks.

New Comment

By #48602 at 28,Feb,10 13:34
sorry well thats upto ulot to decide you can decide wot we are the best at- good looking, sexiest etc.
By hytiger at 28,Feb,10 19:12 other posts of hytiger 
You want to be the best couple, so you set the criteria on which we are to judge.

By hytiger at 28,Feb,10 12:52 other posts of hytiger 
"The best" in what way???
You are looking to be the best couple on this site, on what criteria is this to be judged?
I'm confused now, please elaborate!

Adult Discussion Forum