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Small Penis Humiliation

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Started by #58214 at 28,Feb,10 13:11
Does anybody else enjoy receiving SPH? I love it when people make fun of my small cock! Tell me it looks like a (pick an age) boys cock! It turns me on so much!

Similar topics: 1.Small penis humiliation   2.PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!!!!! HUMILIATE MY LITTLE PICKLE PLEASE!!!!!!!   3.can you increased my humiliation?   4.Help understanding the appeal of Small Penis Humiliation   5.Who else is interested in small penis humiliation (SPH)  

New Comment

By #72118 at 09,May,10 15:49
i don't like it, but is a fact that is small. i am trying to accept that fact. many women have told me it is very small and it messed me up
By #23212 at 09,May,10 22:37
Perhaps you ought to choose nicer woman. And after they've had 3-4 orgasms from your licking their clitoris and pussy, they might enjoy sucking on your lovely dick and not gagging, eh non?
By #72118 at 09,May,10 23:16
i don't find that they want to suck my dick. they want to suck my wallet
By #23212 at 11,May,10 04:10
I guess you end up finding what you keep choosing.

By #5440 at 01,May,10 11:55
It is harder to find people who make fun of little dicks than it is to find people who like them. I know I'd love to check my comments and find lots and lots of rude putdowns, but all I ever get is people telling me how much they love my cock.
By #23212 at 04,May,10 23:35
Oh poor dear, must be awful having people saying such nice things all the time?
By #5440 at 05,May,10 12:29
dreadful indeed
By #23212 at 05,May,10 22:49
Let me help your 'dread' here: I've had mosquito bites bigger than yer dickie, but I'll bet you'd love my 'scratching' yours more.
By #5440 at 07,May,10 12:01
you are so sweet...i think that's the meanest thing anybody's said about my penis in a while
By #23212 at 09,May,10 22:28
In person I can do even better.

By #74210 at 08,May,10 13:56
I definately enjoy having my small penis humiliation. I think it is because I strive for any attention at all and it may just be a defense mechanism, but it really gets the tiny guy erect!
By #5440 at 09,May,10 10:06
i think you are right about the attention...all guys want people to notice and like their penises...

By small-is-beautifull at 01,May,10 15:17 other posts of small-is-beautifull 
my dick's very small indeed

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