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Started by Southcarolinapussy at 19,Oct,24 19:02  other posts of Southcarolinapussy
How many of you females want to fuck two men who will also fuck each other I know I wanna be first on that

New Comment

By fozzieberra at 03,Nov,24 20:44 other posts of fozzieberra 
Not enough of them! Sign me up to be one of the males though!

By SexIsLife at 03,Nov,24 19:55 other posts of SexIsLife 
Women are usually not into expose their sexual fantasy to anyone even husband. I'm able to convinced my wife somehow to tell me her fantasy. She's told me that she mostly fantasies that she's being touched her genitals by two guys. It's makes her such horny sometimes that leads her to get very intensed orgasm!

By Lvphose at 20,Oct,24 04:43 other posts of Lvphose 
A gf and I when having sexual play, I would talk and describe what would happen if she was fucked by more than one guy while we’d touch, lick, suck & fuck like this!

Adult Discussion Forum