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Started by VacuumMan at 22,Nov,24 18:48  other posts of VacuumMan
One time a guy I had been messaging on line had been pestering me to get together so I invited him over. I’m so glad I did. He is 35, tall and so fit that I cannot believe my luck. He had a large this cock and was here for head. I put on some porn while he took off his pants. I kneel on the floor and started playing with his cock, kissing his balls and started to lick his cock. Finally I started to suck his beautiful dick. He started to rub my tits and pinch the nipples, which makes me so horny. Then as I was sucking him he reached down and started jacking my cock really fast. It felt so good that I told him I was going to cum soon. He aimed my cock at his cock and balls and soon I shot my load, Oh gawd it was so good, But even though I was spent I still needed to finish him. You know how after you cum you lose some interest, especially lose interest in tasting your own cum? Well that was me but none the less, I took his cock back into my my mouth, tasting my own cum and using it as lube, I sucked his dick and stroked the base until I got a mouthful of his cum. Gawd I lived being used like that.

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