| I am easily excited, and some of the gorgeous cocks on this site truly make me drool with pleasure (mouth and cock). It's a wonderful serve the site provides to married guys like me who have discovered the lust they have for male sex. I can't get much cos I love my wife but here I can exhibit my own kinky habits and revel in other guys and their play. Which brings me to Smokieb69. Just discovered him for the first time this morning and he is tickling ever part of me that needs to be tickled. His cock is delightful and the way he plays...... Well surfice to say my cock is big but still soft(I think I am intimated into subservience) but it is weeping floods of precum. When alone I shall tease myself with something and weep buckets of cum over his pics. SUCH A GOOD SITE FOR PLEASING ME. 😘😘😘 |