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Started by #68193 at 12,Apr,10 14:35
So im a whore. Plain and simple. Please come to my blog and post what you would like me to do. I will do it for you and give you details afterwards. I will do ANYTHING!!! If you want me to go out in the street naked i will. If you want me to fuck a random guy i will. I love being humiliated so please bring it on.

You can post in my blog or in here.

New Comment

By slipper at 12,Apr,10 17:51 other posts of slipper 
I'm only saying this since you asked for "anything," otherwise I certainly wouldn't propose to do so... I'd like to see ya go on a diet, for both your health and to enhance/highlight your beautiful features.

And, more to your request (I suspect), I'd like to see you with a guy with the longest foreskin possible (might I volunteer, hehe); I'd love to see you manually and orally play with that skin, stretching, sucking, generally abusing and caressing it in all possible ways, until it dribbled buckets of precum all over your lips and tongue, eventually followed by letting it go soft, tying it off so it couldn't get hard, them doing whatever it took to make it come while still soft, slowing releasing the tie and letting the cock slowly ooze cum all over your mouth and face. Then, form a suction cup with that foreskin over your nipples and lightly tug on them--it makes such a nice little "pop" when the wet skin pulls loose from a nipple. Then...

Adult Discussion Forum