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juxter and amazone11

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #59855 at 27,Apr,10 20:11
It appears that these two accounts are the same person. They left negetive comments on our page under the juxter account and I banned that account and told him to fuck off. I knew They would delete my comment and I would lose points but I wanted them to know not to fuck with us. Since that account was banned from our page He came on as amazon11 and left negetive comments not only on our page but our pics as well and has been negetive voting on our pics. In short people like this should not be allowed on this site. They don't post pics and make negetive comments and harass the good people here on SYD/SYC.

New Comment

By #61033 at 27,Apr,10 21:34
Ban their IP. They cannot re-register as another user from the same computer neither can they leave any further comments.

By #59855 at 27,Apr,10 20:12
From Matt's Wife: Needless to say I banned them both from our page. I highly recommend that the other decent members follow suite.

Adult Discussion Forum