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Started by #5617 at 08,Apr,09 21:19
what kind of women u enjoy most to fuck?

New Comment

By #7976 at 09,Apr,09 02:56
Mature women with intelligence to go with their beauty. A woman with style and grace is my type.
By #14596 at 07,Jun,09 13:20
Why thank you Bushpilot
By #7976 at 07,Jun,09 22:33
My pleasure. It is also completely true. Once, in my youth and after an emotionally trying divorce, I slept with almost every woman I came across who was willing. I finally got to a place where I just didn't want to waste time talking to any woman, let alone having sex with her. It became obvious that sex without some type of intellectual contact, not just a commitment, is empty and very unsatisfying. There needs to be something more than a hot and willing body wrapped around my penis for me to have any interest in the act. By t he way GraceAron, your fun to talk to and if it were in the cards, you certainly fit my criteria for a woman I'd love to make love to.

Adult Discussion Forum