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Nicest GUY to chat with...

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Started by #11162 at 10,Apr,09 05:37
The questions was asked who the nicest woman is to chat with. The overwhelming response indicated that hystyker wins this prize, though it wasn't a competition! So, who is the nicest GUY to chat with? I'd really like to hear from the ladies mostly on this, but guys can weigh in, too.

Similar topics: 1.Mss. Cunt & Mr. Dick   2.Nicest Woman To Chat With   3.NICEST ASS   4.Nicest Cocks   5.who has the nicest cock!!  

New Comment

By #9747 at 23,Apr,09 09:59
Dear female members who are looking for nice men to chat with: check out my friends list, they're all tried & proven:)
By #3997 at 28,Aug,09 17:50
Thank you 1207

By #7659 at 17,Apr,09 00:34
It's called taking the piss Mr Bushpilot! Dont you have a sense of humour? So your observation was a stupid one. The original question was pointless anyway. "Who is the nicest guy to chat with" lol. what are you going to do give him a medal? Life aint a popularity contest you know. Come on here and chat to people. If you like them great! If you dont move on, Simple as
By #5532 at 17,Apr,09 17:14
Boy are you a grouchy lad.
By #7976 at 19,Apr,09 01:32

By #7976 at 16,Apr,09 22:24
The first two answers are interesting in that they are both self centered responses. I am sure that every guy here thinks he is the best to talk to. It seems like the only valid response is one from one of the ladies or men online who actually are the recipients of our chat. Just an observation.

Adult Discussion Forum