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Started by #36641 at 17,May,10 22:48
Why??? What did I do? Goddamnit...I hate when fucking people ban you for doing something sexual on a sex related website. Why can't they talk any differences out first.

Similar topics: 1.HotBlondeTwat  

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By slipper at 20,May,10 03:29 other posts of slipper 
It's all only digital static, unless YOU consider it otherwise!

By #36641 at 18,May,10 21:28
I was racking my brain trying to figure out what the Hell I did wrong; same with the HotLynn crap. I got a little smutty with her/them. IT'S A SMUT SITE; that stuff happens here.

Yeah well...thanks for the heads up everyone.

PS...Matts wife; You mean aren't Matt? Dammit, here I thought I was talking smutty with a guy dressed (or undressed) like a hot is so mean to me; !!!
By #59855 at 19,May,10 04:23
From Matt's Wife:

By #59855 at 18,May,10 17:06
From Matt's Wife: The more I think about it the funnier it is. I predict that this account won't be here long!

By #70814 at 18,May,10 12:44
Dude don't get upset FROM HER. I had a little conversion beginning with her, she banned me the moment I told her I had a girlfriend . Some people are just strange
Don't take it personally


By #59855 at 18,May,10 07:35
From Matt's Wife: Don't worry Artsy, she banned me for no reason and went so far as to say I was Matt and was lying. Her loss. More than likely it is not a woman at all!!

Adult Discussion Forum