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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #75200 at 31,May,10 13:24
Is it not rude to ignore or simply not respond to a message and/or inquiry from another? Sure, one may not be interested in communicating with the initiator. However, would it not be proper etiquette to simply respond, "Hi, thanks for the messsage. I am not interested..." rather than appear too busy to respond or simply not respond? Or am I expecting too much from this crowd?

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New Comment

By #68656 at 31,May,10 14:56
Another interesting and relevant point concerning this subject is the people who, in their profiles or posts invite comments or replies. However when you accept their invitation to reply they never reply in turn.
What, therefore, is the point of inviting others to comment or reply in the first place.?
By #23212 at 01,Jun,10 07:22
Isn't the point rather obvious, of those who, in one way or another, keep begging for people to look at, and comment on their pics (but of course couldn't be bothered with anyone else)?

Adult Discussion Forum