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Girls and anal

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Started by #80851 at 20,Jun,10 01:42
Quick question here to the females on this site: Do you get pleasure from anal sex?

Last night was the first time I could fully penetrate anally the girl I'm having sex with. Thing is, when I asked she said she was enjoying it, I didn't want to ask again and spoil the fun but I'm not sure if she said it just to please me or she was actually enjoying it.
I really loved the sensation of my dick in her tight ass, but I'm not going to keep doing it if it's just for my own pleasure because it's kind of selfish and this morning she told me her ass was hurting.

Guys, you are free to answer too if you have a reliable source of information

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New Comment

By cumonme1 at 02,May,18 11:28 other posts of cumonme1 
My **** has a girlfriend that loves anal sex, I wish my wife did.

By louther at 01,May,18 19:46 other posts of louther 
I’ll post my answer here even though this thread is really old. My ex started out not being very into it the first times I had brought it up. After we progressed through some plugs and I focused a lot of attention on her ass, she grew to love it. In the end there were times I’d go straight to fucking her ass, and times she would ask for it over regular vaginal penetration. She grew to love it, it’s definitely possible for a girl to want anal sex.

By #556059 at 01,May,18 19:32
I really enjoy it

By #485312 at 08,Mar,18 12:34
l finger all the blokes that l let fuck my arse, l like them to know just how it feels ... *lix*
By #524323 at 08,Mar,18 12:35
That's bullshit

By #522126 at 05,Mar,18 23:08
My Wife enjoys it very much,she has to be in the mood for it and it is very much done on her terms.

By #463848 at 05,Mar,18 08:44
One of my girl friends let me know she would like to try anal penetration but I just couldn't fancy it.

By Aussie123 at 15,Sep,10 11:33 other posts of Aussie123 
Anal women loves it..and gets off on toying with mine.. Well.!!! the boy friend enjoys it as well. Get MMF going.. and, well, that is the ultimate pleasure.. Like all good sex..slow, easy and steady.. AT first.. then go for it....MMmmmmmmm

By #59855 at 13,Sep,10 18:48
From Matt's Wife: I love anal sex, but I still have to be warmed up properly. Once in a while I don't mind letting Matt take me when I am not warmed up, it makes it feel barbaric

By #79761 at 20,Jun,10 12:00
My girlfriend really wants to try anal. She's moved onto the end of it a couple of times before now just as a tease and it felt nice. The thing is, I'm almost 6 inches in girth and I think I'm too big to give her anal. She is the one who really wants it though.
By botanic at 21,Jun,10 12:02 other posts of botanic 
well .. my dick is much smaler than yours, would she like to practise on me ?

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