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Has anyone ever had sex bloopers?

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Started by #3997 at 03,May,09 19:44
Such as farts, or accidently tickling someone, any funny or bad bloopers that you have please share would like to hear them???

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By #100925 at 04,Dec,10 17:03
When my wife and I were newly married we were having sex and she vomited all over me from eating Chinese and getting so excited. I was eating pussy one time and she farted. Took us both off guard but I kept on eating and she had a great orgasm. Can't remember the other bloopers sure there have been many since we've been married 21 years.
By #3997 at 13,Aug,11 00:59
Nice , when its good eating you can't let one fart mess up a good party

By #56691 at 02,Mar,10 22:06
I once had a cat start awayting my balls during sex. Luckily it was declawed!
By #10886 at 03,Mar,10 17:33
[deleted image]
By #59855 at 03,Dec,10 18:31
From Matt's Wife: That is fucking funny

By #54859 at 04,Mar,10 19:05
A girlfriend and I were enjoying some serious afternoon delight on a day in late spring. You know the type of weather: Warm, sunny, but with a cool breeze wafting through the open windows. Well. our full-grown German Shepherd was interested in what we were doing and stuck his wet nose right in the business. I got a cold shock on my balls and ass; she got tongued. That made us both laugh. We shoo-ed the dog away and continued onward and upward. We were especially wet and sweaty when finished so both went to take a cool shower to refresh ourselves. We got so refreshed that we stayed under the water for seconds.

Upon exiting the bathroom, my girlfriend went to the den (where our daybed is) to tidy up. I heard a huge scream and came running. The dog was so into our wet spot that he had eaten a hole through her antique quilt, the blanket,the sheets, and half-way into the mattress. There was cotton stuffing eaverywhere.
By #3997 at 05,Mar,10 18:45
wow thats pretty funny, I dont know why dogs like underwear and eat out the crotch of them or that the dog like the scent and or taste of your juices combined thats a great story very nice.....

I had that happen once with a girlfriends dogs, we were having sex on the floor and the door was cracked a little and the dogs snuck into the room and I was fucking her from behind and my ass was up in the air and the dog came up and started licking my ass, and the other was sniffing around her crotch and i am trying to shoo the dog away and she is cracking up, we still talk and when we go if it gets brought up we just start cracking up about it, that was the first time that ever happened to me
By #54859 at 07,Mar,10 00:46
Manage e' woof!?!
By #3997 at 02,Dec,10 18:23

By #24286 at 02,Mar,10 22:56
Many moons ago I was having sex with my girlfriend in a rickety old bed when unknown to me a spring had broken through the mattress and was sticking in her. She yelped in pain so I asked what was up. When she told me there was a spring in her arse I said "well that's a first" It kinda spoiled the moment but I couldn't help myself!
By #3997 at 03,Mar,10 18:18
oh wow thats messed up

By #49787 at 23,Jan,10 20:01
This wasn't during sex but was surely a blooper. I was on holiday in Cabo with my hubby. It was March of 09 which I guess is still spring break. After losing a game of water volleyball, we had to drink some kind of strong drink. Yeah I got drunk. There was an entertainment group having people play all kinds of drinking games like pong and stuff like that. They were asking for people for truth or dare and I got forced to play. After a few questions that I can't remember, the next question was a dare to take an article of clothing off. My top was still on the side of the pool from when it came off during volleyball. So the gstring was next. Me and another gal and a guy then had to walk around the pool and give high 5's to everyone. This turned me on so much that I had juice running down my leg. A couple of guys noticed and commented to me about it. That was really embarrassing but also really turned me on
By #3997 at 25,Jan,10 16:58
that is hott, i would have asked if i could lick the juice from your leg

By #20938 at 12,Jan,10 04:34
My sister in law told me of a time that she and her husband were 69ing, with her on top, and she farted as her husband was tonguing her pussy hole! Wish I was him!
By #3997 at 12,Jan,10 19:14
Thats hott, i bet she was embarassed from it though,I love then accidently things happen during sex
By #20938 at 23,Jan,10 11:38
wish it would happen with me!
By #3997 at 23,Jan,10 16:10
That just means it was feeling real good, and she lost control and farted, its hott when you think about it, did he keep eating her pussy or did he stop??

By #40726 at 15,Jan,10 14:17
jizzed in the hair on accident , big mess
By #40726 at 15,Jan,10 14:17
her hair, she wasn't too happy
By #3997 at 23,Jan,10 16:09
yeah i bet, jizz in the hair, i bet is hard to get out

By #20938 at 23,Jan,10 11:43
Does this count as a blooper? One time, my girlfriend got me so horny, (and she had never let me cum in her pussy up to this point), I was sliding my cock into her pussy, and came inside her before I got all the way inside her! Less than one stroke! I was sure she would be so upset! She did worry that I got her pregnant, but she didn't get pregnant.
By #3997 at 23,Jan,10 16:08
Yeah that counts, was her pussy real tight before you were able to get it inside her

By #42136 at 15,Jan,10 20:17
Pussy farts are always good for a smile. Just means you need to go deeper!
By #3997 at 20,Jan,10 17:12
I love pussy farts, and when you hear them, i do always go deeper, i love the sound and they feel good on my cock

By #37169 at 14,Jan,10 16:46
Does this count as a blooper?

Once when staying at my girl-friends where I was supposed to sleep on the couch downstairs - I stripped off and having got a good firm erection decided to sneak up quietly to her bed to fuck her. nce in her room I very quietly lifted her duvet and snuggled up and grabbed her tit only t realise I had got the room wrong and was squeezing her mom's tit.
By #38932 at 15,Jan,10 00:01
Sounds too fake... that would be really unlikely to get the wrong room, and not realize it was her mom.

By #8288 at 15,Jan,10 11:15
so....did you fuck the mom??
By #37169 at 15,Jan,10 12:20
No - I ran out like a scared rabbit - and the subject was never mentioned again - nor was I invited over again!
By #3997 at 18,Jan,10 16:32
yeah thats a huge one, wow thats crazy

By #12373 at 04,May,09 20:08
banged my head many times
By #3997 at 05,May,09 16:07
yeah i have too that doesnt feel good, but sometimes you get caught up n the moment and forget

By #8288 at 04,May,09 06:57
Anyone with a baby sleeping in the same room will have had a few "bloopers" or the infamous coitus interruptus....
By #3997 at 04,May,09 08:17
this is true

By #7976 at 04,May,09 02:35
Who hasn't farted from time to time during sex. If your young, perhaps you have missed the experience but for those of us who are older and married, it happens. You just ignore the whole thing and don't let it brake the mood. I don't know if it was funny or not but a girl friend and I were so involved in what we were doing that we fell off the bed and onto her balcony. It was a bit embarrassing at the time since it overlooked the pool and several smiling ladies and gents all clapped in approval. It took a few days before I would go to the pool and not turn red before being in the sun. I did however, get a few dates out of the deal with others in the complex. I guess it pays to advertise.
By #3997 at 04,May,09 08:17
sometimes yeah it does pays, thanks for sharing

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