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Started by #82616 at 12,Aug,10 06:11
I told you i was done but you won't let it rest you cost me way more points than I cost you so Im never going to give you points. I had a ton of bad gifts from you that I had to get rid of. All because you wouldn't be civil

New Comment

By #82616 at 13,Aug,10 15:52
Photography for dummies from you that's classic with your 1pic which is probably fake anyway

By #48533 at 12,Aug,10 10:54
what?s up?
By #82616 at 12,Aug,10 11:10
Domination game drama I bought one one of her subs and instead of being civil made a huge mess out of it she cost me way more than was worth it I had about 8 shit gifts and a bunch of the dog pissin that I had to get rid of.

Adult Discussion Forum