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Started by #7966 at 06,May,09 22:46
Similar topics: 1.at WORK FANTASY 2.recent fantasy 3.Straight guy with urges to eat own cum and more.... 4.Older man fantasy 5.Congratulations to Billy Jack! New CommentComments: |
....Hopefully you know your own wife well enough to be able to predict her views. If she is ok about what you do then you will not have cheated on her. If you coerce her into going along with your wishes then that's worse than straight cheating in my book!
There are as many answers to that question as there are noninvolved partners. Some would say that masturbation is cheating in itself. Others that sex with a same sex partner is OK as long as it's OK with your significant other. Some would say that any sex now with your spouse or SO is cheating. It's up to you to decide whether you consider it cheating but more importantly, is it cheating to your wife. Your dilemma is that you can't ask her unless you tell her your fantasy and that could cause deeper issues. My suggestion is to keep the fantasy a fantasy and then the cheating issue is not in play. Otherwise, the cost could be far greater than the lack of experience. Good luck figuring this one out.