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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #12223 at 08,May,09 02:13
Are there any other real life couples on this site? Maint-man is my man. We have been enjoying this site together. Our sex life has improved IMENSELY. We are now fucking 2-3 times a night every night. We take pics together and have fun doing it.

Similar topics: 1.COUPLES   2.Couples that like to send pics?   3.Couples on kik   4.Couples Category   5.Changing profile to couples status?  

New Comment

By hogweed at 08,May,09 10:41 other posts of hogweed 
I joined this site only a few weeks ago and both my fella and I love it. It has also improved our sex lives greatly. We both find it a real turn on to chat and look at all the wonderful photos. If I'm chatting without my fella, and the conversation turns me on (which is most of the time, haa) I start masturbating. If my fella is with me, we do all sorts of things, including fucking while I chat. It takes a bit of doing, but fucking and chatting at the same time makes me feel like I'm being watched, which is just one of my fantasies. So if I am ever chatting with you, you never know what I might be doing while I'm doing so. Ask, and I might tell you. What a fantastic site !!!
By #146802 at 28,Jul,14 00:32

By #7976 at 08,May,09 11:14
In a way we are a couple. My wife and I have posted pictures on the site under bushpilot but we don't have individual sites. The comments she gets I pass on and she enjoys the attention. I like to meet new and interesting people and make friendships through this medium. The sex part of my discussions is good but mostly, I meet really interesting people around the country and around the world. It is a truly interesting and fun web site.

Adult Discussion Forum