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Are huge cocks better?

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Started by #92257 at 22,Aug,10 22:00
I've never gotten any complaints on my size and have even had trouble in the past(my single days),with insertion with some females when I was extremely aroused and thicker than usual. I've also been told that a woman's most sensitive area of her vagina,besides the clit, is only about 2-3 inches deep. After seeing some really huge monster size cocks on this site, I was wondering if a huge dick is really more pleasurable for sex(straight or gay) than an average or slightly above average one?

Similar topics: 1.Huge cocks   2.looking for huge cocks   3.the huge one   4.Huge black cocks, are they here?   5.Huge Cocks  

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By hogweed at 23,Aug,10 17:53 other posts of hogweed 
I once went out with a guy how was just under 10" long and as thick as my wrist. When I first saw it, I gazed in amazment at it, and couldn't wait to try it, however, it was that big that I/we couldn't get it in at first, and when it eventually DID go in, it hurt like mad. A woman cannot take 10", there is nowhere for "it" to go, but this guy didn't understand that, and tried, unsuccessfully, to force it all in. He was a useless lover! I much prefer cocks of an average size, or smaller. Don't believe the saying that size matters, because it doesn't, unless you are hung like a shrew! I much prefer the average size or even the small cocks to the ones that look like they come off a horse! Give me a short but thick cock any day.
By DarkMax at 03,Nov,17 17:01 other posts of DarkMax 

By #505990 at 03,Nov,17 11:02
I think so, I mean little one are fun to suck but when I need fucked I wanna be FUCKED! has to be over 8 inches and thick.
Had as big as 12.5 long and as big as a beer can, yes he was black! He fucked me hard and deep. One of the best!

By cumonme1 at 25,Oct,17 14:38 other posts of cumonme1 
I don't know if they are better but I would like to have one

By #505990 at 25,Oct,17 01:08
Just my opinion but I agree with hogweed to big is to much for most women, my wife prefers around 7 or 8 inches and thick. But when I'm with other men I enjoy a little larger cock than a small one. I measure less than 5 inches

By niceonebighead at 25,Oct,17 00:39 other posts of niceonebighead 
well there is alot of big cock ladys out there i know lots that want 8 -10 inch cock some even like bigger

By #332336 at 17,Dec,12 15:36
What's funny is my cock is just under 8 inches and every woman I have fucked thought it was huge. And I've fucked over 50 women in my life. Also most men that I play with it think it's big. I've figured out that the biggest majority of men are under 6 inches. They all lie about their size. Pull a tape measure and not from your asshole. Many men have told me they have 7 inches but when we get our cocks together, mine is 2 or 3 inches longer than theirs.

By slipper at 24,Aug,10 05:01 other posts of slipper 
No matter what size (or shape, etc.) someone will prefer it.

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