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What percentage of men are straight, gay or bisexual and what percentage of girls are straight or lesbians?

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Started by rub00001 at 28,Sep,10 10:37  other posts of rub00001
Have you ever heard of any survey like "What percentage of men are straight, gay or bisexual and what percentage of girls are straight or lesbians etc"
If yes, then what are the results??
I am straight by the way.

Similar topics: 1.Can a Man or Woman be Truely Straight and Still Be Turned on by Someone of the Same Sex?   2.What percentage of guys are bi   3.DEMOGRAPHICS   4.I'm gay, but I want to lick and fuck pussy!   5.What percentage of guy do or have shaved their pubic hair.?  

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By rub00001 at 30,Sep,10 18:52 other posts of rub00001 
no answer!
By #23212 at 30,Sep,10 23:35
What "answer" were you looking for?
By rub00001 at 01,Oct,10 19:40 other posts of rub00001 
Don't you understand what the question is all about?
i think question needs to be modified.
okey! I will try to make you understand the question.

Suppose there are 100 men. out of those, how many are supposed to be straight, how many are supposed to be gay and how many are supposed to be bisexual??

same question for girls.
By #101402 at 03,Oct,10 19:37
Okay. There is no real bi. Either you suck dick or you don't. Ask any straight man hell say the same. (I'm gay btw) As for a percentage I would say close to 75% of men, if alone and with a smooth talking gay would atleast get their dick sucked 50-60% will top a Guy , 40% will reciprocate bjs and 25% will go all the way. This is not coming from stats its coming from experience. As for girls I'd say about 80% would sleep with each other (its not as frowned upon like gay men).

By #515106 at 26,May,17 05:39
You say you are straight but why are you on a site named SHOWYOURDICK ?

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