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Started by #6568 at 22,May,09 12:09
I quite like the idea of making a video. Recently, the subject came up in a different topic about 'growers and showers' and as I'm a 'grower' with a large difference between hard and soft someone thougt it would be interesting to see a video.

I have made and exchanged vids in the past using VHS and Hi8 camcorders and found it very worthwhile. This was about 10 years ago and I exchanged with a couple. My vids were simple enough,..just sessions of erection and ejaculation with the wife of the couples pix in view. This gave them great pleasure and when we recently made contact after several years I was surprised and pleased when they claimed to still regualrly use some of my tapes as part of their sex and lovemaking. So, a very positive experience all round.

So then, if I were to post video here how would I actually post the vid and what happens about the tricky business of file types? Whenever I have tried to post video online (as part of other interests) I have always failed because the file type was wrong or too big etc.

Anyone know about this?...or got any comments about doing this or what would make good vids etc?

Similar topics: 1.Me squirting on video   2.Video   3.80 MPH…what does it mean???!!   4.Upload video!   5.Using an iPhone, how do I post a video (please read details)?  

New Comment

By #8288 at 24,May,09 09:33
Most digital cameras these days have a decent video mode....some even have audio. The length of time they will record will vary between different camera models and the resolution settings.

If you are looking to convert your old VHS/Hi8 vids to a digital format then you will need some software and a connector/converter box to hook-up your video player to your computer.

It seems that SYD/SYC accepts most common digital video file types. Here are some that I have viewed successfully after downloading from SYC/SYD: wmv, avi, mpg, m4v, mov, mpeg, 3g2, & flv.

My personal suggestions are:
-- good lighting
-- good focus
-- don't move the camera around too much or "pan" too quickly (viewers get "dizzy")
-- not too short, and not too long either
By #6568 at 28,May,09 13:22
topspy,..thank you for this ,...I somehow missed seeing it before.

No probs with camera handling or technique as I ahve had plenty of experience, it's just th file types/criteria that has been difficult with web posting.

Thanks again for the info!

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