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sex in relationship,,,

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Started by #66057 at 20,Nov,10 23:28
How important is sex in a relationship to you?

Similar topics: 1.Who lost their relationship over SYD / SYC   2.masturbating when in a relationship   3.what if i said i want one suggar daddy relationship   4.Dad/Son relationship   5.Flirting with others while in a relationship.  

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By #7976 at 23,Nov,10 01:42
Vial to the very heart and soul of any relationship is my opinion. However, the volume of events, sexual partners, and any other facet of sex is truly overshadowed by the quality of the relationship, not the quantity.

My wife and I have had a truly amazing life together beginning with having sex multiple times a day to having sex whenever we can find a moment without kids in the house. However, at all times in our lives, the sex is great and the knowledge that we're truly compatible makes any interlude between sexual encounters bearable.

Find a soul mate with a nearly compatible view and desire for sex and you'll have a great relationship. That's my considered opinion after over 30 years of marriage.

By #6568 at 21,Nov,10 13:40
Depends what you mean by "relationship".....In one between man and woman that has a regard and care about eachother then sex is vital.....

.......There is a sexual element to most things in life,..even two men working together in a purely business relationship need know that the other is a healthy sexual male,...or not.
By #116477 at 21,Nov,10 17:15
Indeed...The Pope for example regularly checks the genitals of his senior( and junior mainly) colleagues, for purely professional reasons of course.. and to check that no unnecessary condoms have been used.

And of course American President Obama regularly checks British Prime Minister David Cameron's genitals to see if he may have any urinary tract infections that could effect any important meetings on Global warming ..or oil spillages. He probably no doubt even uses the tongue to glans technique as part of that test - but purely in a platonic and Business like sense.

So no actual sex required at all for those relationships
By #23212 at 22,Nov,10 08:01
And in the topic poster's "{Republic}", it's all illegal anyways!! (Except for Ratzinger's guys, it seems.)

By #6568 at 22,Nov,10 09:27
Well I suppose that' an improvement from Blair and Bush, which was a purely tongue to arse arrangement.....

By #94215 at 22,Nov,10 03:49
I heard a theory that if a couple put a penny into a rot each time they make love in the 1st year of their relationship and then take a penny out every time after that, they would never get all the pennies out.

I really hope that's not true
By #70814 at 22,Nov,10 03:58
I have been with my girl for a bit less than 2 years and I can already say this is not true for me

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