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clit question

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Started by #39334 at 01,Dec,10 07:44
Why do just about all female bodybuilders have such gigantic clitorusses? Is it because of the use of steroids or just that the genetic ability to build muscle goe hand in hand with higher than normal testosterone levels and hence the large clits?

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New Comment

By #6568 at 01,Dec,10 08:58
Well there is known to be a wide 'substance abuse' in the body-building fraternity and we know that testosterone and anabolic steroids are indeed key elements in muscle growth so, yes, it certainly would explain this apparently strange phenomena......muscular excercise does increase testosterone lever for a short period at the end of the excercise session but this does not enable any development of it's own,...many body builders tale large doses of artificial testosterone to facilitate extra muscle development and this could presumably increase clit size.

.......Interestingly, many male body builders seem to have quite a small penis, for whatever reasons. Perhaps it's the reason why they start to body-build in the first place,...a sort of compensation, who knows?

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