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im a little insecure ?

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Started by #138368 at 27,Feb,11 17:27
i come on this site because at first i was insecure about my penis size and was interested to look at other peoples. Now i feel even more inadequate looking at some of these monsters on here , are the huge ones actually real because theres some on here ive not saw as big in porn

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By slipper at 23,Jul,11 00:52 other posts of slipper 
Chris, the Internet is filled with horsecocks, real and photoshopped. But, those guys still eat and shit like everyone else (well, the real ones do). Someone likes everything, so please get over your "insecurity." You are a person just like "Trigger" and "Silver."

By #6568 at 27,Feb,11 20:47

You look like you are fully equipped enought to please any woman that wants you sexually, so try to forget your feelings of inadequacy as they are entirely in YOUR mind and very destructive.

Some of the pix on here are genuine but many are either photoshopped or collected from speciality sites, so they mean nothing.

If you take a 'worst situation' type of view it would perhaps be a woman you love telling you that she was dumping you for a man with a penis twice as big as yours. If this DID happen, then believe me, YOU would have had the best part of the deal by getting split from her!!

Real women who would make good sexual partners look at men as complete entities,...NOT just a penis owners. They are going to think about you as a man and person long before they wonder what you will be like in bed. The trick is to not dissappoint them once you are between the sheets and that has very little to do with the size of your penis and a lot to do with how you use it and react to the woman.

So forget about your size as you're not lacking anything that you will miss!....and get hunting!

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