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Look better if cut??

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Started by bluemn7 at 01,Mar,11 14:46  other posts of bluemn7
I just wondered what if... I was not uncut. What do you think looking at my uncut cock here... would it look better if I were circumcized?

New Comment

By hotcock33 at 13,Aug,11 07:35 other posts of hotcock33 
If it were me that was uncut, I have my doubts Id be willing to let anyone put a knife near my cock as an adult.
That being said I'm glad I was cut, and MUCH prefer the look of a cut penis. I have also heard several girls Ive know in my life say negative things about uncut cocks, either with regards to cleanliness, or just not liking the looks, etc. I know most guys with uncut cocks keep them very clean, and that's not even an issue, but at least in North America I think the cut cock is more common, and thus more accepted/appealing here. In Europe, where most guys arent cut, Im guessing it's not even an issue with women there.
To each their own right!? Some people will tell you that for sure it will look better, while some will say it won't, and that it's mutilation, etc. It's totally up to you. If you would feel more comfortable with a cut cock, for WHATEVER reason(s) there may be, I say go for it!

By #107002 at 03,Aug,11 06:40
You were born uncut and cut is mutilation, not ment to be in my opinion and most uncut cocks look better...

By jocstfr at 29,Jul,11 14:59 other posts of jocstfr 
If I were you I would keep it uncut. I feel cheated that I dont have a foreskin and feel like I was mutilated when they cut my foreskin off.

By #7435 at 14,Jul,11 09:53
I suppose it would look great anyways! But I am happy that it's uncut

By #33070 at 03,Mar,11 15:43
Don't do it ! Leave the cock uncut

By slipper at 02,Mar,11 01:30 other posts of slipper 
NEVER!!! Don't even think about it... you'd never get it back an many would kill to have it!

By hytiger at 01,Mar,11 20:21 other posts of hytiger 
Not unless you want to look like a muslim.

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