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Chubby/obese teen boys

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Started by #149194 at 01,Apr,11 21:14
Why are chubby/obese teens (18+) so hard to find?! I would love to sext/trade pics with some guys like this, but it seems as if they are few and far between on SYD.

Similar topics: 1.FAT OR OBESE MEN.ANYBODY HAVE NUDE/PORN PICS?DO YOU LIKE THEM? of teen cocks   3.Sex n Relationships!   4.Obesely Fat Men Nude   5.Any legal teen boys on site?  

New Comment

By #253594 at 03,Nov,12 19:11
im one check out my pics

By #218130 at 03,Nov,12 16:55
So what I'm actually trying to tell you is: NO! Go fuck yourself

By #68656 at 02,Apr,11 06:29
Such overweight people should be easy to locate, just visit any fast or junk food establishment.
By #215515 at 29,Oct,12 04:08
Hey John fuck you
By #218130 at 03,Nov,12 16:49
No! Why don't you do that yourself. Maybe start reading between the lines. Don't be over sensitive. I'm also of big built and overweight. No reason to **** John for that

By #128423 at 08,Apr,11 01:47

By #128423 at 08,Apr,11 01:47
Hey text me for fat 18 guy

By #150527 at 01,Apr,11 23:25
I have a friend Billy who I have sex with. He is nineteen, same as me. We known eachother all our lives. He is kind of chubby/fat. When his dick is soft it seems like it's inside his body, just a round tube of skin hangs out, like a foreskin but I know he is circumcized. If he or I put both hands and push his dick will pop out. His dick head is always purple. When he is hard his dick sticks out about three inches, you can then see his circumcizion scar, it a dark scar about a quarter inch wide. Sometime I fuck him but mostly we jack off eachother or suck eachother off. His cum is always real thick and creamy and sometime it has little white hard things in it that are actually crunchy. Is this usual with chubby/fat guys. We have been having sex together for years and his cum has always been like that, so I guess thats normal for him. My cum is normal thin if I cum alot, and gets thicker if I don't cum too often, but I never had those white crunchy things. I'm really curious. Does anyone have the answer? Thanks.
By #23212 at 02,Apr,11 01:26
In the "broke welfare state of California", as you called it, these are called 'Cookies 'N Cream'.

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