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ejaculate into your ownmouth?

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Started by #97315 at 26,Apr,11 15:19
If your cock was long enough would you regularly ejaculate into your mouth? I have quite a long back otherwise I might be able to manage it. You'd know what it is like for your partner and that's gotta be good.

Similar topics: what you like you ejaculate? many pulses of cum while u ejaculate?   3.Big shooters , reasons for ejaculate quantity? D   4.How long from the last time you ejaculate?   5.Saving ejaculate  

New Comment

By smokieb69 at 12,Aug,11 13:52 other posts of smokieb69 
yes - I suck my dick and cum in my mouth. I particularly like my precum. sometimes lose the urge to take my whole load once I start cumming. check out my pics and vids

By Walker at 10,Aug,11 21:36 other posts of Walker 
I wish I could still suck my own cock. I use to suck my cock as a trick to get girls to suck me. I love cuming in my own mouth and have swapped cum with a girl while we tongue kissed. I also love to suck my cum out of a girl's cunt after we had sex.

By #34386 at 28,Apr,11 04:18
Dont know if all the time but at least try it 4 curious once

By #38932 at 28,Apr,11 04:11
I can't suck mine, but I used to be able to lick the tip of my dick, although it was a bit painful to stretch that far, and I shot my load in my mouth several times.

By #35446 at 27,Apr,11 00:59
if i could suck my cock i would do it all the time!!!!

By #102374 at 27,Apr,11 00:39
Hell yes, I wish I could suck my own dick. Save a lot of money. I lick my cum off my hand or what ever anyway. I luv it. Sometimes jack straight into my mouth, just wish I could reach it even if it was just the head.

By #144821 at 26,Apr,11 15:30
If I could I would. I'd rather squirt right into my mouth than into a cup and and then drinking it.

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