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why do i love receiving a facial so much?

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Started by #155321 at 09,May,11 19:34
I don't understand why I love to let a guy cum on my face, if Steve isn't with me I'll leave it on my face to show him when I get home

Similar topics: 1.Humiliating facial   2.Cum fixation   3.Who Wants me to Cum All over their Face?   4.facial pics   5.About the facial expressions while wife/gf getting orgasm  

New Comment

By slipper at 11,May,11 00:30 other posts of slipper 
WHO CARES WHY! Just DO it!!! (...and, show us, of course.)

By #7976 at 10,May,11 01:18
It sounds like you have a lot of fun; with or without Steve. And the fact that you let your BFs cum stay in view is a statement that your hubby enjoys his wife getting a guys rocks off whenever she wishes. Just keep taking pix and posting your facials for everyone to share. And if your ever in need of a partner to give you a load, let me know. Cheers.

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