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Foreskin Pumping

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Started by #10886 at 18,May,11 09:55
I am trying to get my 'skin pumped a bit. I have a pump and sleeve, but the sleeve is too big (or my dick is too small) and I need your help.

Is there anyone that has a pumping sleeve that they are willing to part with??? Will pay, will trade, will barter.

Someone PLEASE help me PUMP it UP!!!

This is what I want.....but the way I got this took hours of pulling and "sucking" with a plastic bottle.

Similar topics: 1.Pumpers sub-forum   2.About pumping   3.Cock pumping videos   4.UK pumpers   5.Stretching Balls by vacuum pumping  

New Comment

By #121361 at 31,Aug,14 12:52
[deleted image]

Check this Alternative

By JeffinKS at 30,Aug,14 21:11 other posts of JeffinKS has foreskin cylinders for a decent price

By pump75 at 30,Aug,14 14:50 other posts of pump75 
into 4skin pumping for many years

By #162438 at 23,May,11 05:21
Is there a device to make your foreskin longer? If so I want to get one, but I've never heard of this. Please inform me. I love my foreskin but wish it was longer like some photos I see where they can really stretch it out.
By slipper at 10,Jun,11 06:25 other posts of slipper 
Also, you might try inflating. (you might look at my pix, if you haven't)

By slipper at 21,May,11 04:37 other posts of slipper 
But, it looks great, though!!! Assuming you get the correct fitting sleeve, DO post pix. I'd love my skin pumped to the max sometime!

Adult Discussion Forum