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wife or girlfriend caught u with a male

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Started by #113355 at 16,Jun,11 00:34
Have any u guys got caught with another man. I almost i heard her car door shut I was fucking a male friend of mine i told him to hide in the closet and I will send her to the store but I had to jump in the shower because I was naked .It worked very very closes

Similar topics: 1.Whore wife/girlfriend   2.I've been caught   3.I wanna fuck my wife and her friend   4.caught cheating by your wife girlfriend's ****  

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By #5532 at 16,Oct,11 04:00
This is interesting because we were just talking about setting up a little playing where my guy would either have another man sucking his cock or him doing another man and i would happen to catch them. The end result would be me making them both do whatever I desired as punishment.
By bradyD at 17,Oct,11 17:06 other posts of bradyD 
Very nice! I'd love to act out that fantasy as well
By #5532 at 17,Oct,11 17:29
Well we are going to as a birthday preset to me
By bradyD at 20,Oct,11 01:11 other posts of bradyD 
You should have your guy sing happy birthday with a mouth full of cock, or rather, hum it

By #172995 at 16,Oct,11 18:46
One day after school, I was fucking my friend when I heard my sister come in the front door. We jumped up and got dressed. I was fastening my pants when she tried to open my bedroom door. It was a close call.

By #135959 at 16,Oct,11 07:39
it will never happen I won't cheat on her if I ever need cock her strapon is good enough for me

Adult Discussion Forum