Well Leo I'm not from US I just listened some of Sanders' speaks and I saw a new face of USA a face that I didn't hope will exist in the political "theatre" in USA. Too bad remained just a dream... Hope there will be others like him. |
CAT I agree with you if you read my reply you'll see that I write that Hitler like Musolini only USED the name of socialism to manipulate the people and gain their trust BUT the policies they both applied were extremely capitalists and neo-liberalists. It's one thing I USE A NAME OF AN IDEOLOGY AND ANOTHER THING APPLY ITS TRU THEORY. |
Mate I know history and how in the Waimar republic the Nazis usurped the term and the ideology of socialism and they cover it with a nice cloak of nationalism to take the people with their part and then they done the applied exactly the opposite ideology (capitalism) collaborating with all the big names of the german industry (Krupp family controlled all the german steel, BMW constructed the aircrafts for Lutvaffe, VW cars and wagons, Siemens, Philips, Benz etc) all these were tycoons who collaborated with the Nazis and after the war continued to play major role to the European economy till now. So because someone (Nazis) USED only the name of socialism and took advantage of the financial situation of the german people after the Great War making them believe that they will save him. If they were really socialists they would have nationalize all these big industries but they didn't, they just collaborated with the capitalists right after Hitler took the power and after that it was business as usual. Hitler's financial policy was no different with all the governments in a capitalistic environment. And for your information Hitler wasn't the first to do so. First was Musolini who 15 years before Hitler took power in Italy applying EXACTLY the same plan, first he said to the Italian people "I'm socialist I'm one of you bigger salaries for the workers more money to the farmers..." and then he also collaborated with the big names of the Italian capital.
So if you one day study the theory of Socialism and Marxism you will realise that the policies that these two dictators applied had nothing to do with Socialism or Marxism quite the opposite they applied a raw form of capitalism almost as raw it was during the 80's the policy of Margaret Thatcher's in the UK (go and speak with workers of the 80's in the UK-now in their late 60s 70s) and you will learn what means Thatcher. So if someone during history used ONLY the name of socialism doesn't mean he really applied this theory. Search the relationship that Hitler's government had with the great capital and the tycoons of his era and your will realise tha OUR governments in the modern western world aren't very different from financial POV |
I'm not from US don't really know very well the problems you got in your country except some "headlines" (black life matter, health care system, and some others).
I just believe, by watching some videos on YouTube and listen some of his speeches that US lost a very big opportunity of a huge change when Benny Sanders lost the elections. If Sanders was elected President we would see a big turn in US policies domestic and international. But unfortunately the system is so well organised (not only in US but in all the countries) that wouldn't allow politicians like Sanders take power. |
There is nothing like complete sex! Giving and receiving in sex is the most important for me. I'll take the blowjob case in the case there is no time, space or in a public risky place |
Living in Europe I'll use the metric system and I think under 10cm it's small and under 7cm it's too small. At least in my mind. So the critical length is 10cm |