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By leopoldij at 11,Apr,24 23:54 other posts of leopoldij 
Here's something positive rewarding the gun culture in the US.

US to end 'gun show loophole' that allows sales without background checks

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By #610414 at 12,Apr,24 02:09
It's about time.
By leopoldij at 12,Apr,24 02:28 other posts of leopoldij 
Let's see how the resident extreme right winger will find a way to defend those selling guns without background checks.
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Apr,24 13:15 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Easy, just hold up the funding for the background checks.
It still requires some government officials to perform them,
which costs money that they can easily cut or reallocate.
Then the one overworked junior pencil-pusher just rubber-stamps them.
And then they can say background checks don't work either.
By leopoldij at 13,Apr,24 23:28 other posts of leopoldij 
I am wondering why you engage in discussion with people like phart when you know very well the he's never going to accept anything that you logically explain to him: he's merely unable to do so. I am wondering about your motives.

My motives are simple, albeit cynical. I don't expect any kind of rational response from him. But I find it interesting to see how low a human being can fall. How it's possible to have lost all kinds of freedom and free will due to continuous indoctrination and due to being in a place where he's kept ignorant of anything that's happening in the world. It's like observing a human who, unfortunately, has been lobotomized.
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P.S. so much so that the label "human" seizes to apply.
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Apr,24 18:44 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Don't be discouraged, people like phart have been turning away from their indoctrination every single day. Maybe my arguments won't change his mind,
but they might change someone else's mind.

When you look at religion, it's actually more the extremist religions that are losing followers at high rates, than the moderate religions. That's because the gap between extremism and reality is larger than the gap between moderate views and reality. MAGA is a cult, centered around a cultisch character: Trump. Many Republicans are sick of him. They are starting to see that he is awful and useless.

In The Netherlands, during the pandemic, the number of crazy conspiracy believing, right-wing nutcases, exploded like locusts. Our craziest right-wing party, Forum for Democracy, had it's best support since it's start. Many conspiracy websites and YouTube channels even attracted people who never shared their ideas. After the end of the pandemic, most of the people, who engaged in those ideas, saw that none of their predictions became reality, recognized what a stupid bunch of lunatics and conmen the instigators were and mostly returned to normalcy. Unfortunately, many of them still retained a framework of distrust in the government and a predilection towards right-wing populism, which is why our less extreme populist party; Party for Freedom was elected to the largest party. The cabinet formation is now 142 days ongoing, and we are hearing report after report of the Party for Freedom dropping the most important promises that the Dutch people support by majority and voted for them on, while there are other promises they are still trying to keep, which have much smaller support. I think they are losing support fast this way.

My strategy is always talking to people who have different opinions than me, instead of calling them liars or stupid. Still, when they are making shit arguments or don’t even try to support their position, we should keep telling them, without stooping to the same level. I think it’s important for people who know they are on the side of logic, to keep supporting the system of logic and denounce insolence, partisanship and dishonesty.
By phart at 14,Apr,24 19:39 other posts of phart 
Well,your side needs to be a bit more realistic as well.
You put way to much trust into a group of "elected" officials when in reality, they are ALL looking out for themselves in some way or another .No decent person is going to be in politics. you just have to pic the snake in the grass that is similar to your values.
If Kennedy and Reagon were running for office in 2024,it would be a tough race,for good reasons. we would have good men on both sides.
Although I would not want to go fishing with Trump, he is a much better choice than biden to bring America closer to the America I grew up in instead of this horrible night mare i am in right now.

Leo,a man like you that finds it so much fun to call people facist and nazi's will have a much harder time changing anyone's mind about anything than anannas. No I don't agree with what he says, but he is educated and has reasons for his thoughts and experiance.and conveys. You just call someone a bad thing and walk around like a bantam rooster that just gigged 5 hens.
you do little to help your cause,if you even have 1 .
By #610414 at 15,Apr,24 00:22
Phart, the America you grew up with was a homophobic, racist, alienating, egotistic, society. Now the Clown has brought us back 50 years. It's a crime.

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 17:28 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Wrong, I TRUST no group of "elected" officials.
I am supporting bottom up democracy, like my party does.
Every member regularly gets to vote on their representatives,
from the chair person directly above the members, to the top.
We have gatherings all the time to debate the direction of the party.
If I want, I can sit in with any city ​​council meeting.
To us, representatives are fully expendable; if they represent the party well,
they get all the support and aid they need, if we think someone can do better,
we vote in the next person, no hard feelings.

We exchanged our faction leader Lilian Marijnissen, after seven years, in very a democratic way. Not because she was not a lovely person, doing her very best to represent the party, but because she was not succeeding in strengthening the party. Everyone liked her, even political opponents, but the times called for a street-fighter, who takes on the right-wing like the right-wing fights itself. It is too early to tell if her replacement Jimmy Dijk is succeeding in strengthening the party, but he is clearly the street-fighter we thought we needed. The right-wing coalition is already showing it's failures and its colors, and Jimmy is both voicing reason and devastating attacks. We will get the working class to see through the right-wing lies eventually. Most of them were done with neo-liberalism, they just need to see that right-wing fake populism has only false promises.

Your attitude that no decent person is going to be in politics, allows you to justify the most horrible people in politics. There are better people, but you chose to support the most awful ones. I don't, if I don't like what they're doing, I'll discuss it in the membership meetings. We disagree on just as much as we agree on, but we are all in it for the same broader message. We are very well capable of identifying someone who doesn't share our broader message. Also, we have a solidarity arrangement, where all paid officials donate a lot of their salary to the party.
That eliminates selfish career politicians, who are in it for the money, by design. Our politicians don't have large corporations or tons of stocks, they would have corrupt motives over. Donations don't go to the politicians, they go to the party, and we are very careful on what to spend it on. Mostly we do all political action with volunteers. At best they get a chicken sandwich with a soda. We do it for the cause, not for the money.

By phart at 13,Apr,24 22:55 other posts of phart 
A lawyer wouldn't be able to convince you of right and wrong because you think you know more than everyone else.
BUT as for selling a gun, a hammer, or a car, if the owner wants to sell it, and the buyer wants it, then money exchanges hands.
Besides the background checks are a joke.only thing it does is confirm rather or not they are felons. They could sick minded taking all kinds of pills and the back ground check wouldn't help a bit to prevent a crime.

There should be back ground checks in place. Along with mental healh screenings and meds screening.BUT the government should have a booth setup at the gun show and run these checks real time so commerce can commence.long waits are stupid. If that is the case, you should have to wait a week to rent a uhaul truck since it can be used to commit a terrorist attack for example.
if you are on psychotropic drugs, you don't need to be buying a gun,you are a loose cannon.
By leopoldij at 13,Apr,24 23:23 other posts of leopoldij 
You know what? If you Americans want to keep shooting one another and have the largest number of mass murders/shootings and largest number of guns in the world, then keep doing that. I don't give a shit.

What I find extremely interesting is the existence of such fascistoids like you in America that I want to keep poking in order to see what kind of ridiculous response they'll give so I can collect data about your likes. You're pathetic.

It's also fascinating to see how perverted your mind can become, by it being indoctrinated by constant propaganda, say after day. You and your likes have reached the vegetable state and nothing can be done to make you free again. You live in subjugation, you lost your freedom, it's only fear that can affect your brain.
By phart at 13,Apr,24 23:24 other posts of phart 
You are the fucking lab rat my friend.
You are the 1 that doesn't resist the liberal ideals,
don't think for yourself at all. Just take whatever a scientist tells you as the gospel.
By leopoldij at 13,Apr,24 23:29 other posts of leopoldij 
Ok. Thanks.
By phart at 13,Apr,24 23:33 other posts of phart 
no problem.
You serve a greater purpose leo than you could ever imagine.
You remind us of the dangers of complacency and tolerance of liberal ideology.

By #578610 at 15,Jul,24 16:03 other posts of #578610 
Aren't scientist the ones that know for sure?
By phart at 15,Jul,24 19:15 other posts of phart 
Oh even our government tells us to trust the science when it's in their motives best interest but don't trust the part about chromosomes, that 1 don't apply.
By #578610 at 15,Jul,24 23:15 other posts of #578610 
Isn't that what Republicans are more concerned about?

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 18:03 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"the liberal ideals"?
What are they to you?

I don't take anything a scientist tells me as gospel. That's an argument only people who don't have a clue how science work, keep telling. Science is a process of hypothesis elimination. It starts out with hypotheses that have not been tested at all. It can be just a guess. To determine if the science is approaching truth, you have to examine it. Your responsibility is to do the exact opposite of taking it as gospel.
That's also not taking ignorant arguments against it as gospel.

The duty of every scientist is to completely transparently and accurately present me the data, investigation methods and how the came to conclusions. Then I study their reports, process, methods and motives, and I come to my own conclusion. There is a lot of fake science, but it is very much possible to recognize that from valid science. It's not always easy to conclude it's valid, but it's often really easy to recognize the fake science. They often only put in the effort to fool the uneducated or already convinced readers. That's the arguments you come up with all the time.

Still, it's so funny that people keep referring to faith and gospel as something completely unreliable, but still they keep preferring the actual faith and gospel
to know the truth.

The argument that you need to accept science as gospel comes directly from the people who want you to accept gospel as science.

By phart at 22,Jul,24 20:41 other posts of phart 
There has been several positives in the gun world lately.
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In 2023, North Carolina repealed its permit to purchase handguns–a fundamental requirement the state had in place for over a century. Lawmakers have also made efforts to repeal several remaining gun safety protections. The state does, however, have strong domestic violence laws for abusers under restraining orders.

Louisiana's new permitless concealed carry law went into effect Thursday. This means Louisiana residents over the age of 18 will be allowed to conceal carry handguns without a permit or training. The new law does have several stipulations regarding the carrying of a firearm in public places.Jul 4, 2024

Starting July 1, 2023, new legislation takes effect in the state of Florida which authorizes a person to carry a concealed weapon or firearm pursuant to a valid concealed weapons license or without a concealed weapons license provided that the criteria for obtaining a license is met.

I feel safer knowing my friends can be armed without repercussions now.
By leopoldij at 22,Jul,24 21:06 other posts of leopoldij 
You're mad in the US.
By phart at 22,Jul,24 23:24 other posts of phart 
Well things are looking up, we will know come november how happy to be,
but 1 things for sure, we won't be unarmed subjects here in the US.

By #578610 at 26,Jul,24 12:52 other posts of #578610 
Yeah, why not? People die from gun violence but, it's more important to carry like a cowboy. Makes you look tough. Fools all.

By Numb_Nuts at 26,Jul,24 06:31 other posts of Numb_Nuts 
If your into military rifles, this guy is a really good watch

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He also recreates & breaks down the Trump shooting, an interesting watch

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By Gaydave at 25,Jul,24 20:28 other posts of Gaydave 
Here is an idea for sitcom spin off The reeds ( based on JD and elliot reed from scrubs )

By phart at 22,Jul,24 20:43 other posts of phart 
much to a cat's dismay in florida

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By White_Mamba at 22,Jul,24 20:20 other posts of White_Mamba 
I have a question for my frinds concerning a member on the site known as BJUK. He says he's a man but according to his pictures I was wondering.

You see, the pictures he has looks like an overgrown clitoris and not a penis. Nothing can be that small, dude its a clit. I was wondering according to site rules that if you have a clit you should be moved over to the cunt site?

I've been an xray tech for over 25 years. In order for me to get my license anatomy was a strict requirement. I can tell you from my experience that it is a clitoris, not a dick. No Way Man.

He says he wants to be king but I think he would be more suited as the queen of the site..

By phart at 15,Jul,24 19:26 other posts of phart 
Well this helps Trump a bit.
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By #715698 at 20,May,24 16:54
Hey, _axcx_, here's the response to your post.

Of course I didn't think you stupid, but, with all the posts threatening CAT that you've made all through last week insinuating that you would make her participation in this site public, and, most were on threads that you can't delete the posts, I think a case can be made to investigate you and your friends. Just think, at that point, all will be public.
It's one thing to trade insults on site. It's quite another to do what you did.
I'm really not in the mood to get into a war with you. You went after my wife in a very unethical way, a criminal way. I'm willing to let things cool if you'll do the same. Think about it.
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Oh, BTW, I can be.
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I was going to cancel my account too until CAT got the text, so I stayed to make sure everything is documented here. Now I’m satisfied. Now I can leave, but, the text is saved in CAT’s files and she can bring charges if more happens.
Admin, police your site.
By dgraff at 20,May,24 23:49 other posts of dgraff 
He can’t the liberals defunded the police
By Sir-Skittles at 21,May,24 22:07 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

guaranteed they sent the text to themselves!

Always the victim, always, blaming everything on others... fuck off.
By dgraff at 21,May,24 22:13 other posts of dgraff 
By Sir-Skittles at 20,Jun,24 10:41 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Has anyone see that rat cat or her stump leg criminal hubby?

By dgraff at 20,Jun,24 11:16 other posts of dgraff 
Not that I’ve seen but she let’s little messages on pharts wall mostly political would you believe that stupid old woman hates this country that bad she is still routing for that lump Biden
By Sir-Skittles at 20,Jun,24 11:21 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
She is an idiot... we have always known that.

A follower. No thoughts of her own. And yet she chooses to live in a hardcore red state reaping the benefits and still complaining!

A total loser who if she returns, will regret it.
By dgraff at 20,Jun,24 13:25 other posts of dgraff 
You bet she will regret it after we all know her dirty little secret

By #610414 at 04,Feb,22 02:01
If an ordinary person, not rich, just a regular Joe, is accused of all the crimes Trump is accused of doing, that person would be behind bars. Justice is bought in this country
By phart at 04,Feb,22 02:18 other posts of phart 
Yep,I am sure bill and hillary clinton would agree! Might even write a book about when they get a bit older.
By #610414 at 04,Feb,22 02:31
By Sir-Skittles at 04,Feb,22 18:14 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Accused by who? You? The media? What has he been charged and convicted of...??

By #610414 at 04,Feb,22 20:09
Yes, accused by me, the media and 60% of the public. You don’t need a conviction to know someone is crooked. He’s going down eventually.
By Sir-Skittles at 05,Feb,22 20:01 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Dream on cunt-ette!!

Only one going to jail is that lying rat Avenetti
By #610414 at 05,Feb,22 22:10
It will be funny when the Clown gets his ass spanked by Avenatti using the local prison rag
By Sir-Skittles at 05,Feb,22 22:41 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
What color is the sky in yer world? Old slag!!

You really are a slow individual.
By #610414 at 06,Feb,22 00:05
Skittles, I hear that when your family makes popcorn, one holds the pan and four shake the stove.
By Sir-Skittles at 06,Feb,22 01:43 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I heard when your scummy family wants popcorn, they have to save up for six months to buy some!

And when that is not an option, your scummy kids fight the crows for popcorn in the movie theater dumpster!

By #610414 at 06,Feb,22 02:11
WOW, what a comeback. How long did it take you to come up with that one?
By Sir-Skittles at 07,Feb,22 13:09 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Cat Good morning Pot-bellied and Saggy!
By #610414 at 07,Feb,22 13:21
Broke your glasses, hey?
By Sir-Skittles at 08,Feb,22 01:09 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Is there a GoFund for Charlie???
By #610414 at 08,Feb,22 10:44
You want to set one?
By Sir-Skittles at 08,Feb,22 15:14 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I just need a copy of the death certificate...
By #610414 at 08,Feb,22 15:33
Why, he would love a Harley. Don't need to be dead for that. Truth is, Skittles, A New York City rat from the Bronx like you doesn't come up to Charlie's soles. Go back to your dumpster
By Sir-Skittles at 08,Feb,22 17:40 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I don't live in the Bronx.. and you know that cunt.

Like that old rat could hold up a Harley without tipping over!
By phart at 08,Feb,22 19:26 other posts of phart 
HEY, they make trike kits,I know because I have been looking at them
By #610414 at 08,Feb,22 20:31
Skittles wouldn’t know about that. He rides a dumpster in the Bronx.
By phart at 09,Feb,22 02:49 other posts of phart 
Hey they make cool rides man!

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By #610414 at 09,Feb,22 13:03
By phart at 09,Feb,22 21:50 other posts of phart 

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 20,Jun,24 02:23 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 

By Sir-Skittles at 20,Jun,24 10:43 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Avenatti in jail!

By #715698 at 20,May,24 14:48
We are coming upto the 4th anniversary of the George Floyd arrest resulting in his death. I am watching the actual footage of his arrest and vest cam coverage continually reminds me of how Mr. Floyd was not listening to the lawful commands given by police and that Mr. Floyd was non compliant. Things could have been so much different.

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He deserved to d,ie.

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 20,May,24 16:05 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
What do you think of sex offenders. Do you think they deserve the same fate as George?
By #715698 at 20,May,24 16:13
I think It depends on the offense. I also think that this photo

[deleted image]

that was texted anonymously to CAT's phone was sent by you or a friend of yours. You'll notice the sender's phone number shows on the top of the text. Sending unauthorized pornographic pictures is against the law. I wonder what
Admin would say about that.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 20,May,24 16:18 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
You all should be put down.
By #715698 at 20,May,24 16:23
That is my though too, only, a different target.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 20,May,24 16:26 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
You’re a disgusting piece of shit.
By #715698 at 20,May,24 16:28
You are much the same

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 20,May,24 16:24 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
I wonder what admin would think of a registered Sexual offender who assaulted a minor being on a site like this?
By #715698 at 20,May,24 16:27
I don't know. Why don't you ask him? 😎

By #715698 at 20,May,24 16:38
I wonder what the Miami Dade County Sheriff's Doral detectives division would say about sending unsolicited porn pictures using text messages ?
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 20,May,24 16:44 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Why don’t you ask them? They would probably say you sent them to yourself. It is you and your wife is it not? Nothing surprises me, I would not put it past you two sick fucks. You should also ask them if you’re allowed to be on sex sites.

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 20,May,24 17:10 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
There you go again giving out your location information… Jeez and you claim you’re being stalked… Okay. Make that make sense…. Your logic is super flawed.

Again I’m not as stupid as you two look. You’re the ones after all that posted her drivers license pic. I’m just pointing out information you provided and making assumptions. You’re the ones who keep confirming those assumptions.

By Cody8789 at 20,May,24 22:19 other posts of Cody8789 
Kat, I know exactly what they would say since I know them very well.

By Sir-Skittles at 20,May,24 17:13 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Or the probation officer

It’s my understanding these sites are off limits to these types of offenders

By bella! at 20,May,24 16:23 other posts of bella! 
Gee, you copied my post made on May 14. I'm flattered that you felt it worthy to be reposted but in true CAT form, you didn't credit the original "author".
By #715698 at 20,May,24 16:26
CAT would have done so. It would have started this way:
"Bella! posted on etc" 😎
By bella! at 20,May,24 19:06 other posts of bella! 
I think that regardless of whether the profile is established as being owned by Charlie OR CAT, there's only one person behind the keyboard. I think it's CAT while others believe it's Charlie behind the keyboard. Oh well, I guess we're going to have to wait to suss things out as you done went and deleted your profile. I leave you with these words;

"If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen".
By dgraff at 21,May,24 00:02 other posts of dgraff 
When I was a new member I browsed around I got to know you good people but most importantly I kept my mouth shut when it came to the forum after I studied everything that was going on then I started commenting but I went with the flow and the flow at that time was lixsipsucket John S and monted and I all ready had a problem with the three of them nope not cat she had to open her big mouth and defend lixsipsucket this is were her problem started and with lixsipsucket gone tag cat became it
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Just my opinion on what happened to cat
By bella! at 21,May,24 00:29 other posts of bella! 
Okay, I agree with your assessment of CAT being "it" but I do have to fine tune some of the details.

I'm sure you've heard the story before but here it goes. CAT at the time was Twowarmtts and had been referred to the Evaluation Panel for deletion because she was posting internet pics and claiming ownership. That was at a time that it really didn't matter what the referral was for, JohnS and his posse voted quickly and people were deleted. Heck, JohnS sat on a pile of points accrued from all his referrals and didn't do squat with them. Bottom line, Twowarmtts was "caught" but became bitter that she was "outted". I'm sure she was angry with me because she felt that I was the source of her troubles. Her buddy leopoldij told her where she could find the folks that were a thorn in her side and yes, that's when she came into the Forum. Yeah, *lix* had quite the presence on the site as well as in the Forum and Twowarmtts idolized *lix*. You see what happened once *lix* left, Twowarmtts didn't have anyone to mentor her or support her and Twowarmtts had to tone herself down. Like I have said, you and other fellas have gone hard on her and her posts yet she always lapped it up because she had that attention. I don't know what happened but it's like you and phart began standing your ground and that was driving her nuts. The guys that she could say shit to were finally slinging shit back. She's got a bad mouth and a bad temper and it amazes me that she just didn't know when to shut the eff up!
By dgraff at 21,May,24 00:43 other posts of dgraff 
I remember it well I think she is an old alcoholic With nothing better to do than try to make others miserable
By phart at 21,May,24 01:57 other posts of phart 

By #715698 at 20,May,24 13:39
It looks like there's a new variation of Covid going around.

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By phart at 20,May,24 17:47 other posts of phart 
it is here to stay. The 1918 Flu is still around

By #715776 at 19,May,24 01:27
Sea levels are starting to rise faster. Here’s how much South Florida is expecting.

In the last 80 years, sea level rise has risen about a foot, with 8 inches of that total in the last 30 years, said Brian McNoldy, a senior research associate at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric and Earth Science.

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By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 12:05 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Why don't you stay in your lane? What the fuck do you know about science?

Why not talk about the new additions to the Arby's menu?

Or, maybe a new merkin for your old cunt?

Stick to what you know! You are in fact, an imbecile!

By #715776 at 19,May,24 14:26
Skittles, I know about science as much as you, but, it doesn't take a lot of thinking if one is walking down Collin's Ave, during a normal high tide and you are in sea water up to your calf, that something is wrong. Perhaps you have a better explanation? I'm willing to hear it.
BTW. I hate fast food. The closest I get to fast food is when I eat at a Greek restaurant and my favorite restaurant is Graziano's Steakhouse on Bird Rd.
I don't need a "merkin". Most of the time I shave, although, I prefer it when someone shaves me.
Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but you? Nah
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 14:54 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You prob put rogaine on that old cunt!

...and like you can even see over that fat gut to shave!
By #715776 at 19,May,24 15:01
My girlfriend has no problem shaving me

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 15:08 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
The water is rising because her fat ass keeps getting in it to wash her snatch. The toxic cunt fumes are heating it up and making the mass increase.
By #715776 at 19,May,24 21:49
Mexican whores get rich $2 Mexican pesos at a time.

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 22:33 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
You sound jealous.

By phart at 19,May,24 12:50 other posts of phart 
the fact that your president obama bought coastal property costing millions shows differently.
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 12:57 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By #715776 at 19,May,24 14:29
Why? The average elevation of Martha's Vineyard is +10". Miami Beach is about +4". I think the Obama's will be long gone before they get flooded out.
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By PITBULL at 19,May,24 14:33 other posts of PITBULL 
Get flood insurance. According to my sources, you will have until May 31, 2024, to get flood insurance in the state of Florida. Hurricane season starts June 1st.
By #715776 at 19,May,24 14:47
I don't live in a flood zone

By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 14:39 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You will go before Obama
By PITBULL at 19,May,24 14:42 other posts of PITBULL 
KITKAT you are an idiot. Gone before Obama? Obama is 62 yrs old and you are 79 yrs old.
By #715776 at 19,May,24 14:46
ah,, Pitbull. As usual, you read but don't comprehend and BTW I'm 72
By PITBULL at 19,May,24 14:51 other posts of PITBULL 
it looks like every time you change your profile you also change your age. YOU ARE PATHETIC!
By #715776 at 19,May,24 15:00
You are a moron. I'm 72 since last March and 71 all last year. The problem is not me. You are the one that must be high when you read other people's posts
By PITBULL at 19,May,24 15:53 other posts of PITBULL 
if you are 72 as you claim...why don't you post pictures of yourself as look today not 20 years ago.
By #715776 at 19,May,24 16:25
I just did
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 17:28 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
BS you did not! Old pics!!!

By #715776 at 19,May,24 21:52

This one is less than the 3 yrs old. You have a problem with it?

By phart at 20,May,24 04:36 other posts of phart 
so you are saying you are 14 years old?
only registered users can see external links

By #715776 at 19,May,24 14:47
So what, Skittles? it's not a race

By leopoldij at 19,May,24 14:50 other posts of leopoldij 
Obama and his communist friends
are causing climate change. Crooked Biden is also responsible for the storms. Only when America is great again the atmospheric phenomena will go back to normal.
By #715776 at 19,May,24 14:56
I don't know the particulars. All I know is that we ARE NOT on the right path to finding a solution.

By phart at 19,May,24 17:25 other posts of phart 
climate change is a giant ruse. Similar to Y2K but on a much larger scale.
Fraud for the most part.
Billions to be made "selling " the idea of preventing climate change.

If it were not for climate change, Kitty Kat would be getting chased by Trex for a noonday snack

Then later a sickly,Trex would crawl to a Cvs and beg forgiveness for eating all the humans an beg for some Imodium AD.
By leopoldij at 19,May,24 18:05 other posts of leopoldij 
It's the communists who do that. And the Muslims, like Obama. And the illegal immigrants. If we kill then all there'll be no problem in Amerika.

By #715776 at 19,May,24 22:00
Phart, you say:
“ climate change is a giant ruse. Similar to Y2K but on a much larger scale.
Fraud for the most part.
Billions to be made "selling " the idea of preventing climate change.”

You spout all these theories. Fine, you have your beliefs, but, why don’t you ever list specifics?
Electric cars, not my cup of tea, but it’s bringing thousands of jobs to their factories and the vendors of all those parts. The same with windmills. Have you ever thought how much money is put into the economy from public works that try to address coastal flooding?
I would think that you, who is always championing the values of entrepreneurship, would find this as a good thing.
By phart at 19,May,24 23:07 other posts of phart 
take some time to learn about the sources of small parts of all these windmills and electric cars. China and other foreign countries are raking in millions of dollars while a relatively few Americans are paid to bolt the stuff together.Your wonderful epa has regulated industry to the point we can't make anything here, only bolt it together,any melting or plating or similar process's might make a puff of stinky smoke.

By leopoldij at 03,Aug,21 15:59 other posts of leopoldij 
Has anyone managed to reach orgasm by ball rubbing alone?
Last night, I tied my balls so there they're tight.
I lubed them and started rubbing. My gf was watching,
she wasn't in the mood to play, but I asked her to watch.
I watched a bit of porn and kept playing with my balls.
After about 15 minutes I realized I was teaching the point if no return.
And, surely, I felt this huge urge to cum. And I did.
It was good.
By #610414 at 03,Aug,21 19:48
Gerome liked to have his balls beaten until he would cum.
By leopoldij at 03,Aug,21 21:20 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh that sounds painful... Not for me...

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 20,May,24 02:53 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 

By #715698 at 16,May,24 15:20
Dow Crosses 40,000 For First Time In History
only registered users can see external links
By bella! at 16,May,24 18:51 other posts of bella! 
I'm happy that you decided to return.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 16,May,24 19:23 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
I’m not.
By #715698 at 16,May,24 19:34
By Sir-Skittles at 16,May,24 20:26 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
fuck you Saggy Tchir!

A known scummy family
By #715698 at 16,May,24 20:45
By Sir-Skittles at 16,May,24 23:22 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
When I push cunt- you will know it

By #715698 at 17,May,24 00:10
Ok, guys, as usual, you've taken over the line. You want to go after me? Ok, go right ahead, but, leave my kids out of this. Let me say this:

Cyberstalking is when a cybercriminal uses email, direct messaging, or other electronic means to harass, scare, or threaten someone with physical harm. It takes different forms, including: Tracking someone's online activity or physical location.

I hope you get the point.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 00:50 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
No mames guey. This information is information you provided in forum threads. You told us their names, the names of your grandchildren, what they drive, military bases they are stationed at, family members you fucked, names of friends, parents, etc
By #715698 at 17,May,24 01:44
Then it becomes a matter of whom will be believed, and no matter what, you know what that means. I propose you delete all these posts and go back to your side of the forum. There you can post all the venom you want. But stay in bounds.
By Sir-Skittles at 17,May,24 02:00 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Why don't you just delete your scummy profile and stay out of here cunt!


By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 02:08 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Or what? You're gonna call the police on me? Lmfao I can post wherever the fuck I want.
By #715698 at 17,May,24 03:03
What? Are you crazy? Us Latins don't do it that way.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 03:18 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Lmfao, Sure abuelito Carlitos. Now you claim to be latin, when you your were calling people wetbacks, ragheads, homos and a lot of other shit. No eres latino, solo un viejo triste que vive en la tristeza deseando ser mujer.

You pretend to be your wife and live vicariously through her.
By #715698 at 17,May,24 12:48
Sure, titless. Anything you say.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 13:13 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Lmfao Now your are being straight up delusional. First I’m accused of having fake tits and now I’m apparently titless. Jesus H. Christ pick one and stick with it.
By #715776 at 17,May,24 13:29
I don’t know about delusional. He does go back and forth. You hide your pics so I can’t tell if you are tits challenged, but, I remember when you deleted your AOD account and I thought, “good riddance”. Too bad you came back nasty as ever. 👿
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 14:10 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
I wish you would hide yours. Lmfao Funny I thought you were so scared. Apparently not.
By #715776 at 17,May,24 14:30
It’s not my job to protect your sensibilities. If you don’t like, don’t look.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 15:19 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
You’re like a trainwreck, can’t help it. You get worked up so easily, Mrs.Squidward.

By Sir-Skittles at 17,May,24 15:30 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
kitkat get back in your box cunt

Sorry, this member accepts comments from friends only. Contact him/her via private chat and try to become a friend.

Weak member. Returning here is a mistake
By #715776 at 17,May,24 16:22
Just muzzle that bitch, _AxCx_, and we’ll be alright.
By bella! at 17,May,24 17:40 other posts of bella! 
Ah, your post is reminiscent of how I often felt. I felt that you took things too far and I had hoped you would be mature enough to edit your thoughts and filter your words but it didn't happen. You seem to play by a different set of rules that only applies to the other person. This sounds like "what goes around comes around" moments.
By #715776 at 17,May,24 20:47
Bella, I find it hypocritical of you to make a post like this in reaction to my post when you didn’t say anything about this post by _AxCx_ in this same thread:

“Pobrecitos tu hijos. Su madre es una puta vieja disgraciada, y un padre es un maricon mojado.”

That translates to:

“Poor things, your children. His mother is a disgraceful old whore, and his father is a wet faggot.”

(BTW, the “bitch” can’t spell in Spanish, nor does she know singular or plural pronouns in Spanish. I won’t touch her choice of adjectives).
I lived 52+ yrs with my husband. I learned. She doesn’t seem to know much except to open her legs to trashy people and criticize others.

It “seems” like I play by a different set of rules? I say the same about you. You seem to pick and choose whom or what you object to and everyone else gets a pass. Surely you are not that stupid that you haven’t figured out that sir-skittles, pitbull, and _axcx_ are heaping insult after insult on me and @gringo@.
Yep! What goes around comes around. Black water discharge.
By Sir-Skittles at 17,May,24 21:14 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
kitkat close your legs! The flies are complaining!

By #715776 at 17,May,24 21:18
You are mistaken. That awful stench is from your male pussy. You are supposed to wash it after getting dicked.😈

By bella! at 17,May,24 21:24 other posts of bella! 
You recently wrote; "I propose you delete all these posts", "go back to your side of the forum" and "muzzle that bitch". WOW! I'm specifically addressing you, when did you delete anything you ever posted? Never. When did you ever stay on "your side" in the Forum? Never. And when did you ever "muzzle" yourself? Never. You have been disrespectful and hateful to me, JustWill, dgraff, SrCums and others. You've said things, that in my opinion, should never have been uttered. And now you demand that people treat you with decency? Time for you to face up to the consequences of your words and actions.
By #715776 at 18,May,24 04:08
Bella!, I believe that post was directed at Sir-Skittles. It was a proposal. Obviously Skittles didn’t accept it. For your information, and you know this to be true, I have deleted parts or whole posts, both in my thread and yours.
There’s more than one side to the forums and you know that too. I don’t think I have to explain myself. If you are too dense to understand it then, what can I say?
And why should I muzzle myself? Did you or JustWill or Dgraff or @SrCums@ or a whole list of people that said one thing to my face and the exact opposite in a thread they thought I wouldn’t see, ever muzzle yourselves? Not now, not ever. You say I’ve said things, that in YOUR opinion,should never have been uttered. That, madam, is your OPINION. I’m not sorry for anything I’ve said. They are or were true, it’s just that, in a site full of cocks, most don’t have the cojones to say so. That includes raghead, wetback, botched abortion, dirty little Jew with a chip in your shoulder, plus a whole bunch of epithets normally used in every day life. I’ll give you this, you are more a lady than me, but, that’s the way I am. Don’t like it? The site is like a radio. Just tune another station.
I’m not demanding anything, least of all, decency. I belong to a porn site where I show my body to the world. That’s as indecent as it gets. You really believe that, what Skittles is doing, means anything to me? What exactly can he gain by it other than give me a few uncomfortable minutes?
You think the time has come to face up to the consequences of my words and actions? Ha, you are a good one to talk. The dumpster and in many threads, the stories of your nefarious actions and backstabbings abound. Just like you are doing now. All I’m trying to do is to avoid a conflict that would be detrimental to the participants. A conflict that would not solve anything. I’ve been a member for several years. If there’s one thing you and the others know is that I can be an extreme pain in the ass. And I don’t want to be that. So, why can’t we have detente?
By dgraff at 18,May,24 10:23 other posts of dgraff 
Oh no it sounds like someone needs a nap 💤 lay your heady down and go sleepy someone will bring you your tit bottle of warm milk with a mild laxative in it and when you wake up you can make poopies and feel all better
By bella! at 18,May,24 13:13 other posts of bella! 
Golly, dgraff, look at you showing your thoughtful and nurturing side. And not ever being a parent, this is instinctive in you....

By phart at 18,May,24 20:46 other posts of phart 

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 16:43 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 

By bella! at 17,May,24 21:29 other posts of bella! 
By the way, I find it humorous that you would chastise someone because of grammatical errors or spelling. You're not without those types of errors.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 23:52 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Last time I checked the forum and site are not owned by anyone but Admin. When you deleted your account because you claimed you were fearful, the thread lost the original creator associated with it. There is no side of the forum. It’s public domain. Anyone can read what’s posted here, including all of the information and stories you’ve ever provided. No one needs an account to see what’s posted here. You’re the dumb ass that left and came back days later. No one did shit to you.

I’ll post wherever and what I want regardless of proper grammar in any language I so choose. My message was clearly understood.

Bella isn’t my mother for you to tattle to and run crying to. It’s super hilarious that she’s the one you complain to about anyone when you were relentlessly vicious to her, and copied the forum threads she authored. You don’t have an ounce of creativity in that big misshapen head of yours, and are jealous of any women that doesn’t have to resort to being a blatant whore to get attention. You take photos from others profiles in order to belittle them without their permissions; yet cry wolf when someone uses information against you that you freely provided. It’s baffling how you do not or just can’t seem to comprehend that.

You bite first, and then when someone attacks back you have a conniption and cry foul. You threaten others without fear of consequences, but soon it will bite you on your ass. You fucked with me first, you rotten, miserable old pig. I’ve been pretty tame up til now, but continue fucking with me or my friends and you’ll really wish I was “Muzzled”. That’s not a threat either. Everyone that knows me, knows I don’t play and don’t attack without provocation. They also know not to push me. Tread vey carefully.
By #715776 at 18,May,24 04:36
Yes, I’m very sorry to have deleted my previous account. I see you read English well. It’s a shame that you don’t comprehend what you read. This thread is associated with me and that is not going to change. Whether my nick is on top or not, I’ll treat it that way. What I meant by sides is that I don’t frequent the blogs and posts of Sir-Skittles or Pitbull.
You said I fucked with you first.? So what? Just because you have what you call a pussy doesn’t meant it’s welcoming. I don’t take my complaints to Bella!. She brings her complaints to me. Everything that I use to fight my battles are for me to say if it’s ok.
I’m tired of explaining what should be obvious to you.
You say, “I’ve been pretty tame up til now, but continue fucking with me or my friends and you’ll really wish I was “Muzzled”. That’s not a threat either. Everyone that knows me, knows I don’t play and don’t attack without provocation. They also know not to push me. Tread vey carefully.” Fair enough, but, read your own words describing me. Think about this, I’m a loose cannon and you never know what I will do! I may loose this fracas but, I assure you, you won’t like it either.
By bella! at 18,May,24 13:30 other posts of bella! 
You most definitely have brought a number of your grievances to me. Heck, you just posted;

"Bella, I find it hypocritical of you to make a post like this in reaction to my post when you didn’t say anything about this post by _AxCx_ in this same thread"

Unless my comprehension skills are subpar, you're bringing to my attention aka complaining that I didn't treat another member in the same manner that I treated you. As for detente, something you mentioned in one of your posts, I've wanted that and suggested that eons ago but you have this vision about being "SOMEBODY" even if it's being a somebody on an adult website. Too bad that you're not able to be unique and different, lollipop, because you've become way too comfortable being a "copyCAT".
By #715776 at 18,May,24 15:39
Well, then, Bela, what would you call it? A two tier system? One member gets the crap the other gets a pass? I didn’t ask for your opinion. All you had to do was ignore, ignore, ignore.
You are also tiresome with this perception that I look for recognition, that I want to be “somebody”. Shades of “On the Waterfront”. What I am is simple. I’m just being me. I couldn’t change even if I wanted to and I don’t want to. You can’t change either.
CopyCAT, that sounds accurate. They say it’s the highest form of flattery. I always admired how you copy/paste so many things and yet, you still complain when I do it. Did it ever cross your simple “comprehensive” mind that in order to copy/paste you have to be familiar with the subject?
What ever. Let me end with this emoji that really expresses my feelings about you, the Dead Angel and that hick mountain man.
By bella! at 18,May,24 15:51 other posts of bella! 
Gee, dgraff, the honeymoon is over! Ol' CAT just referred to you as "that hick mountain man". Yikes, lollipop, to think that she was kissing your ass only 1 week ago.....
By dgraff at 18,May,24 16:16 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah how about that i don’t care she can call me anything she likes as long as I’m not called late for supper

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 18,May,24 13:53 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
I am having a hard time believing that anyone can be as stupid as you convey yourself to be.

You try to make it seem like you’re some great scholar or philosopher and take the things other write or state and twist them to your own advantage. The only fracas that’s “loose” around here is your pussy; which we all know has welcomed every dick it’s ever encountered. I’m not scared of you. For some insane reason you have it in your head that I am. What are you going to do to me? Insult me? Take the pics I post, trash my page? Lmfao This is the internet. None of that crap affects me in real life.
By #715776 at 18,May,24 15:50
Dead Angel, Lmfao This is the internet. None of that crap affects me in real life.
I know that, nor would I like it to be so. For all I know you could be a very sweet young thing and I hope you are, but, right here, right now, you are a pain in my ass.
I don’t want you to be scared of me. I just want you to be aware that I can be, at least, just as bitchy as you.
For instance, I’m promiscuous. I’ve never made any secret about it. The difference between you and me is that I do it in a bed with a man I know and appreciate in a good setting. No money is involved. On the other hand, some cheap Mexican whore from a little pueblito in Chiapas, does it several times in the cantina’s storeroom charging $2 Mexican pesos. And that, my dear dead angel, is the difference.
By dgraff at 18,May,24 16:21 other posts of dgraff 
Tell axcx about the time you were eating lixsipsuckets pussy and a 🦀 claw latched on to your tongue 👅 I love it when you tell that story
By #715776 at 18,May,24 16:23
Lix? Didn’t she used to peg you?
By dgraff at 18,May,24 17:14 other posts of dgraff 
In her dreams I wouldn’t let that fat slob anywhere near me i might let aussieman187 blow me though
By #715776 at 18,May,24 17:23
Well, we know you know 69

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 15:37 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
There you go again with your assumptions and racism. I’d rather be a cheap Mexican whore, which I’m not, than some mud shark that gets passed around while her Argentinian hubby watches in his cuck chair crying.
By #715776 at 19,May,24 16:25
Oh, my. Did hit a nerve?
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 16:40 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
No, you didn’t. Wolves don’t lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.
By #715776 at 19,May,24 16:47
How about Dead Angels and chipies from Chiapas?
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 23:11 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Tell you what since you’re so concerned about pesos and are obviously struggling with debt, I’ll throw you a few votes.

By #715776 at 18,May,24 04:13
Spelling errors are not unique to one person. I was chastising the Dead Angel on her trying to show off how much Spanish she knows. Oh, well. I guess asking for dos dуlares pare chupar una pinga, doesn’t need her to be proficient in Spanish or 6 other languages. Putas have a universal language.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 18,May,24 13:57 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
You chastise people on spelling but used loose instead of lose when describing your fracas. Okay… You really shouldn’t go around pointing fingers when everything you write comes across as a retard spelling its name with shit covered crayons. And you’re the mother of all whores, so not insulted.
By #715776 at 18,May,24 16:24
So, sue me. Like I’ve said before, we all make mistakes. I’m not your mother so it can’t be ALL.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 15:38 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Thank God for small miracles that you are not my Mother. Who knows what kind of genetic mutations you would have passed on. Unlike your actual daughter and it’s offspring.
By #715776 at 19,May,24 22:19
In this we agree. It’s a blessing not having you as a daughter.

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 16:48 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Nah, no need to sue. Synchrony bank already did that.
By #715776 at 19,May,24 22:33
_AxCx_, really? OK
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 22:42 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Shall I post the docket?
By #715776 at 19,May,24 22:47
You are cyberstalking me again. Admin
--------------------------------------- added after 17 minutes

_AxCx_ used my driver’s license to do a deep cyber research to get ALL my personal details and those of my family and now she’s threatening to publish it here. I used it to get verification for my CAT account. I redacted it but I inadvertently left my signature exposed. My fault, yes, but as I deleted the pic after a few days, 4 yrs ago, I didn’t even know. From that signature she and @sir-skittles have been cyberstalking me.
She posted this’
“no need to sue. Synchrony bank already did that.” and “Shall I post the docket?”
What she’s referring to is that I defaulted on a loan payment and the company took me to court.
This bitch whore, along with that despicable sir-skittles keep threatening me that if I don’t quit the site they will post all this.
This is the reason I deleted my CAT-2 account but, I won’t play their game anymore.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 23:04 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Public information.
By #715776 at 19,May,24 23:22
I just got a text from (786)530-8870 with a pic of me giving a blow job to my husband. It was from an old account.

By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 23:10 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Stupid is as stupid does!

By dgraff at 18,May,24 10:25 other posts of dgraff 
Like which witch 🧙‍♀️ is which
By bella! at 18,May,24 11:27 other posts of bella! 

By #715776 at 18,May,24 12:24
Or wich.?

By Sir-Skittles at 17,May,24 13:25 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
-gringo- Are you threatening members with gun violence?

Oh my!
By #715698 at 17,May,24 13:32
Not at all. Just with a friendly, anonymous, call to ICE.
By dgraff at 18,May,24 10:27 other posts of dgraff 
Isis you terrorist you
By #715698 at 18,May,24 15:20
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) mission is to protect America from the cross-border crime and illegal immigration
I’m reminded of all these “ragheads” CAT talks about.
By dgraff at 18,May,24 16:09 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah the ones wearing the turbans are pulling start and the ones with a dot in their forehead are push button start
--------------------------------------- added after 54 seconds

Just like a lawn mower
By #715698 at 18,May,24 18:18

By Sir-Skittles at 17,May,24 15:28 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You watch too much Law & Order you fucking hick.

Posting information that has been shared on the site- literally, is not a crime. It is honestly an example of your own ineptitude.

Saggy can't keep her mouth shut- talks about personal shit. Posts her drivers license, face pics, information about her dead daddy's grave.. I could keep going on.

You also have the option to fucking LEAVE.

So shove your own fingers up your scummy ass so they stop typing here.

Stupid cunt

ps- go get your fucking shine box! -gringo-
By #715776 at 17,May,24 16:44
Sir-Skittles, if you believe that then why the explanation? You are deliberately pushing information that is not posted anywhere on site except, maybe, on your page and you are using it as a threat to achieve our leaving the site. That information was innocently posted to show members the validity of my identity to get verified. The only way you could have gotten the info you are using, along with that bitch _AxCx_, is if you used my redacted driver’s license pic. Nothing else gave you more than generalities. You usurped the info for your own personal gain. That IS cyberstalking. Now, you can post until you are blue in the face. No skin of our noses. Just stop using it in public. In a private chat I don’t care if you know my last name or my kids name or if we have two residences. Nor do I care if you have my addresses or tel numbers. Just cease and desist.

By Sir-Skittles at 17,May,24 22:24 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Why are you here? Leave!
By #715776 at 18,May,24 02:22
I like it here. Don’t you?

By bella! at 18,May,24 16:11 other posts of bella! 
There are large numbers of churches in SW Florida so my guess is there's probably a good deal of churches that participate in food distributions. Paying for two premium paid profiles will soon pose as a financial hardship.

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 15:40 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
You fail to comprehend that you left your signature, which clearly shows your name under your drivers license picture.

By dgraff at 16,May,24 23:53 other posts of dgraff 
That name is almost as stupid sounding as Allison Gordon our site lard Ass
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 23:44 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Allyson Gordon- face looked like a bucket of smashed crabs!

The queen of Big Prawn in Doyalston!

By #715698 at 16,May,24 19:29
IF you are referring to CAT, you are in the right family but the wrong member. Thanks anyway.
By bella! at 16,May,24 19:54 other posts of bella! 
Oh, so you're WOODY58?
By #715698 at 16,May,24 20:47
By dgraff at 16,May,24 22:06 other posts of dgraff 
We shall call you the chose in one gringo Guerrero chose to test the rio grand for piranhas and the fence for electric before entering the United States 🇺🇸
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 16,May,24 23:11 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
More like pinche perra sucia or pinche guey. Pinche viejo tascada.
By bella! at 16,May,24 23:44 other posts of bella! 
Don't hold back, say what you need to say.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 16,May,24 23:57 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 

By #715698 at 16,May,24 23:58

By #715698 at 16,May,24 23:54
By Sir-Skittles at 16,May,24 23:59 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
-gringo- half a pinche mayate!

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 16,May,24 23:08 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Supongo que no estбs tan preocupado por tu familia como dices.
By bella! at 16,May,24 23:47 other posts of bella! 
Hey, dgraff , either we learn Spanish or we're gonna need a translator! Golly, where's Jamie when you need him? Oh yeah, he's in the hospital!
By dgraff at 16,May,24 23:58 other posts of dgraff 
The only Spanish I know will get me in trouble
By #715698 at 17,May,24 00:07

By bella! at 17,May,24 00:08 other posts of bella! 
I bet sometimes your English gets you in trouble, too!
By dgraff at 17,May,24 00:26 other posts of dgraff 
And I certainly can’t spell it i also know some pretty raunchy stuff in Vietnamese now that I mention it in German too
By bella! at 17,May,24 00:34 other posts of bella! 
Gee, you have the ability to insult people in Spanish, Vietnamese and German, too! WOW, you continue to surprise me the longer I know you! You're the proverbial onion, so many layers.....

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 03:19 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
One of my parents spoke 7 languages fluidly.
By bella! at 17,May,24 11:26 other posts of bella! 
Being multilingual is awesome but being able to speak 7 languages is really impressive. Was that parent an interpreter for the United Nations?
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 13:11 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
I prefer not to say Bella due to their privacy. Sorry, you can always PM me.
By bella! at 17,May,24 14:10 other posts of bella! 
As I posted, to be fluent in as many as 7 languages is more than IMPRESSIVE! Me, I claim English only however I know several people that are fluent in 2 languages. Beyond 2 languages, I don't know anyone that is able to speak 3 languages or more. I am contemplating taking a class in ASL, American Sign Language.

The thought and mention of working for the United Nations was rhetorical, I never anticipated a response.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 14:15 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
They were a translator, just won’t say where. Imagine being chastised in seven different languages as a kid. Their favorite was Italian and German. They could also be creative with it. This parent never used cuss words. This is where I learned to be creative with insults as well.

By dgraff at 17,May,24 08:40 other posts of dgraff 
Oh my English gets me in trouble a lot
And my sign language when I’m driving
By bella! at 17,May,24 11:21 other posts of bella! 
Oh, you are fluent in sign language too!?
By dgraff at 17,May,24 12:05 other posts of dgraff 

By BirdDog at 18,May,24 04:35 other posts of BirdDog 

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 16,May,24 23:58 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Basically I said I guess you’re not as concerned for your family as you claim.
By bella! at 17,May,24 00:03 other posts of bella! 
Thank you but I must admit, I didn't want to miss anything so I used the Google Translate app.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 00:17 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
By bella! at 17,May,24 00:24 other posts of bella! 
This post almost made me pee myself. "More like pinche perra sucia or pinche guey. Pinche viejo tascada."
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 00:40 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 

By #715698 at 16,May,24 23:55
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 00:05 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Pobrecitios tu hijos. Su madre es una puta vieja disgraciada, y un padre es un maricon mojado.

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 16,May,24 23:22 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Same shit box different CAT.

By Sir-Skittles at 16,May,24 20:45 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Does this impact your scummy Sears pension?

Mr. JP Morgan!

By #715698 at 16,May,24 20:55
I saw the writing on the wall when Eddie Lampert bought Kmart. I cashed out. Same with my house in West Miami. I can't say I'm well off but I'm comfortable, but, what business is it of yours?
By Sir-Skittles at 16,May,24 23:28 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Okay Carlitos- don't cry for me Argentina

Who will wipe up the drool from that palsy?
By Cody8789 at 16,May,24 23:35 other posts of Cody8789 
By PITBULL at 16,May,24 23:47 other posts of PITBULL 
Carlitos you are making everybody business whe you mention it on this moron.
By #715698 at 17,May,24 00:01

By #715698 at 17,May,24 00:00
By Sir-Skittles at 17,May,24 00:07 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
-gringo-Now now, don't get upset and have another stroke you old rat!

By PITBULL at 17,May,24 00:15 other posts of PITBULL 
nasty saggy granny

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,May,24 00:41 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
I bet you miss the senior discount you got at Kmart on the 300 pack of generic adult diapers.

By leopoldij at 19,May,24 22:22 other posts of leopoldij 
What's "dow"?
By #715698 at 20,May,24 00:46
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is a popular stock market index that tracks 30 U.S. blue-chip stocks.
By leopoldij at 20,May,24 00:48 other posts of leopoldij 
Boring nonsense then
By #715698 at 20,May,24 01:56

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 23:38 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
By system just recently
You were blacklisted by KITKAT.

By bella! at 20,May,24 00:50 other posts of bella! 
I'm sure I'm not saying anything that you haven't noticed, the men folk can say just anything to her and about her and she laps up the attention. She does not like women. The only woman she liked was *lix*. I believe that she idolized *lix* only because at the time *lix* was here, *lix* was at the top of the heap. OR because *lix* concealed something between her legs with a good tape job.
By Sir-Skittles at 20,May,24 01:19 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Lix - face looked like a bucket of smashed crabs!

Saggy's face- 100% Down's Syndrome-. Squishy face, horrible teeth, and hairdo from the 70s

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 20,May,24 01:24 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Yeah, I did notice that. She kept trying to put me down regarding the views, votes, and comments my pics have in comparison. I really don't care. I don't need validation from men online. Sometimes I'll meet a sexy guy on here and will talk, but it's really rare these days. I did point of how she relentlessly attacked you. Seemed see was super envious of you.
By bella! at 20,May,24 01:28 other posts of bella! 
I felt and feel the same way still. She wants to be someone and something that is just not within her.

By #715776 at 19,May,24 16:42
Bella! posted:

Don't forget to use the CAT's litter box.


Anyone thinks that the Bella-acke is back to her usual self? --------------------------------------- added after 102 secondsAnd then, the chipie from Chiapas posted this:

I thought the CAT went off to get spayed or euthanized and abandoned the litter box with all of its turds. Looks like it came back and brought back more shit and an old cranky Tom Cat with her.
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 16:47 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

This thread is a site toilet!

By #715776 at 19,May,24 16:48
I thought you are the site toilet.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 22:29 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
No that’s your mouth.
By #715776 at 19,May,24 22:39
Hey, I’m not the whore who’s licking Sir-Skittles ass.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 22:46 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
I don’t lick his ass. That’s what your face is for.

By phart at 19,May,24 17:27 other posts of phart 
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By #715776 at 19,May,24 22:05

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 22:47 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
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By dgraff at 19,May,24 23:24 other posts of dgraff 
I live in the mountains of Pennsylvania and I usually take an old cat out back put a 22 revolver to its head and put it out of its misery
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 23:26 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By leopoldij at 19,May,24 22:28 other posts of leopoldij 
Does Bella still exist?

Who is the cranky Tom she's talking about?
By #715776 at 19,May,24 22:36
She does and the Tom is -gringo-
By leopoldij at 19,May,24 23:13 other posts of leopoldij 
And gringo is who? New?
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 23:16 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
-Gringo- is the guy she’s married to, but can’t fuck unless her felon lover Gerome fucks him in the ass first. She also fucked his father before they were married. A real cuck.
By leopoldij at 19,May,24 23:30 other posts of leopoldij 
How do you know all these details?
Where you involved?
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 23:35 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Aren’t you all buddies? She posted this all over the site.
By leopoldij at 20,May,24 00:27 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm not aware of any such information.

By leopoldij at 19,May,24 23:30 other posts of leopoldij 
Thank you for letting me know

By Sir-Skittles at 20,May,24 00:21 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
-Gringo- your pig racist, homophobic, and anti-semitic wife is a coward!

By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 23:54 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
A member that has a cerebral palsy asked about make a wish foundation for their veggie--

The site medical officer reports that is for kids with real problems- and must be under 18. It is also not advised to create fraudulent claims!

By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 23:40 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You lose- AGAIN kitkat

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 16:54 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Hey guys, kitkat is looking for verification.
Just post your drivers license again. 🤣😝
By bella! at 19,May,24 19:32 other posts of bella! 
For your convenience, here is her verification pic.

By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 19:34 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Some rotten cunt will post her DL pic she posted on the site

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 20:14 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
I’ll verify her as a rotten piece of shit. 😄
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 20:32 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Fat Leo the slob- demanding members verify her
By bella! at 19,May,24 23:07 other posts of bella! 
Just an f.y.i., I verified her, too and now she has her green tick.

By #715776 at 19,May,24 21:46
This from a $2 peso Mexican whore. And I’ll verify that.
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 21:54 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
kitkat Oh my- Attacking Mexicans! A new low!!
By #715776 at 19,May,24 22:02
I knew you were all show and no go. You think I should be easier on a whore? Maybe you are right. Would a $2 dollar Detroit whore be better?

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 22:32 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Just like how you verified that you didn’t leave a signature on your drivers license pic. 😂

By Jamie at 19,May,24 20:52 other posts of Jamie 
Why not she's real?
By #715776 at 19,May,24 22:03

By bella! at 19,May,24 23:09 other posts of bella! 
Sad to say, yes, she is real.

By #715776 at 19,May,24 21:38
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 21:52 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Someone is out of control here! Saggy Cunt!

By #715776 at 19,May,24 22:04
I don’t think he would talk to a little pee-pee raghead.

By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 19:14 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
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How fitting- the ratline!

-gringo- Charlie brags about being from Argentina- and this probably helps explain their rabid anti-semitic posture on the site. Scummy roots- scummy beliefs!

His slag wife kitkat uses slurs all the time here! A true pig! But always tries to claim the moral high ground. What a joke. The good liberal!

These two old bags of rat shit are not fooling anyone.

By #715776 at 19,May,24 21:44
Slag wife, pig, bags of rat shit, and slurs. You are funny, NOT. I don’t pretend to fool anyone. If someone knows me then what you suggest is ludicrous.
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 21:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
So you never used rag head, anti-semitic and gay slurs here?

Because that is a huge lie- we have the screenshot!

By #715776 at 19,May,24 22:17
I didn’t say that. You take those words out of contex and try to make me a racist. That is not true. I have or had many friends on site and they will tell you I have always treated with respect on a one-on-one setting.
The slurs I’ve used I did because a few of you are real pricks. In the heat of the moment I get carried away. You use every put down you can imagine and that is also available on screenshots. May I remind you that a good chunk of your blogs deal with the characterization of me as a disgusting woman that you claim being a gross, dirty, smelly, fat pig?
Little pee-pee, don’t throw rocks inside a glass house.
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 22:27 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You literally just called me a rag head you lying cunt-

So you also justify using slurs because someone is a prick.

Got it!

By #715776 at 19,May,24 22:30
Hey, don’t be ashamed of your heritage. Wear it with pride.
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 23:08 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Like yer dead daddy in his uniform?

What kind of animal posts walking in a cemetery on a cock and cunt site?!!lollol

By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 12:27 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Literally, a mongoloid sideshow! Who really likes seeing granny tits and cooze?

By #715776 at 19,May,24 14:34
You, then, must be the biggest mongoloid as you are obsessed with me. It must be that I give your participation on site some meaning. While the rest of us are concerned wit politics, science, the economy, the presidential race and other important subject, you are concerned with a possible "merkin possibly worn by an old cunt"
Who's the real sideshow?
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 14:42 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You are on a cock and cunt site- No one cares about science or politics here! Especially coming from someone with your low station.

And who the fuck are you to lecture on these things anyway? You are an idiot! A cut and paste muppet trying to sound smart! A community college drooler!

Then yer true colors show- the racist, anti-semitic, homophobic slurs start.

You are a joke here. And everyone knows it!

By #715776 at 19,May,24 22:24
You know, if you would take that thumb out of your ass you might manage to type something smart.

By leopoldij at 19,May,24 18:18 other posts of leopoldij 
I need to show you the pussy I've been enjoying recently

By #715776 at 19,May,24 21:44

By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 14:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
[deleted image]

A tipped over bucket of trash with a tear in it!

1996 pic!

Members are complaining about lost boners!
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 15:11 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Are those shit stains? Or did the paint from getting rammed repeatedly from Gerome rub off on her snatch skin?
By Sir-Skittles at 19,May,24 16:48 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
It is possible-- from Charlie dragging his recently pegged asshole on their carpet and bed!

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,May,24 16:50 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Or after he ate Jerome’s asshole and then licked her pussy.

By Sir-Skittles at 18,May,24 20:06 other posts of Sir-Skittles 


By ChainsawGutsFuck at 18,May,24 14:01 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
The Fate of Narcissism in Old Age

A personality disorder is typically a lifelong mental health condition. Historically, people have believed that narcissism and other personality disorders soften with age. However, newer evidence seems to suggest that a personality disorder lasts through the entire lifespan. Older adults go through a number of major life transitions, so their personality disorder may appear to present differently. Unless they’re actively receiving treatment, though, the disorder probably still plays a big role in their behavior.

Having any type of personality disorder increases the risk of cognitive decline. Cognitive decline can also mimic narcissism and other personality disorders, though. A narcissistic senior may display erratic behavior or make inappropriate comments. To someone who doesn’t know the individual, this could look like cognitive decline. However, those who are familiar with their behavior may attribute it to their narcissism.

Some families report that their narcissistic relative’s behavior has worsened with age. As we get older, we all require more care and support from those around us. An elderly narcissist struggles greatly with the idea of looking weak or relying on others. In response to the natural aging process, they may become more hostile, more self-centered, and more inflexible. This puts an enormous strain on their caregivers.

Dealing with a narcissistic family member can be incredibly difficult. Many elderly adults with narcissistic personality disorder are isolated from their family to some extent. After years of experiencing the toxic behavior, their children may not want to be involved in their care. An elderly narcissist may not have the same support that a typical senior has.

In some cases, though, traits of narcissism may be beneficial to aging seniors. A study published in Frontiers in Psychology reports that sub-clinical levels of narcissism may improve mental health outcomes in older adults. Some degree of narcissism may be especially helpful for preventing loneliness, which is one of the most common issues seniors face. While narcissistic personality disorder seems to create challenges for older adults, lesser levels of narcissism appear to act as a defense against loneliness. Seniors with sub-clinical levels of narcissism likely seek out more opportunities for social interaction, leading to better mental and emotional health.
By Sir-Skittles at 18,May,24 17:45 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By Sir-Skittles at 17,May,24 17:00 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
A pair of Down's syndrome tits! Saggy Granny style!

Pic from 1994!


[deleted image]
By #715776 at 17,May,24 17:13
No one asked for your opinion. If you don’t like to see them, then don’t look. Besides, what does a gay guy like you know about women’s tits?
By Sir-Skittles at 17,May,24 17:19 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Post your old rat minge too!

Who wants to see old lady parts! Saggy, smelly, and rotten!
By #715776 at 17,May,24 20:55
You are mistaking your smelly male pussy for my snatch. Grow up
By PITBULL at 17,May,24 21:29 other posts of PITBULL 
you are a fat bitch. Nobody here wants to see your wrinkles
By #715776 at 18,May,24 02:27
No, Mr doggie. You don’t want to see my wrinkles. The others don’t mind. As a flea bag of a dog there are plenty of bitches you can infest. . Go infest them.
By PITBULL at 18,May,24 11:12 other posts of PITBULL 
Nobody wants to see your saggy body here. Cover up you old bitch

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 18,May,24 03:50 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Grandpa Chucky Squidward tied her arms up to keep those windsocks from falling to the floor.
By #715776 at 18,May,24 12:21
Oooooh. That really hurt. 🤣🤣🤣. I'll put my girls up against yours when I was your age any time. And even now, even though they are no longer made for speed, they do give comfort.
By Sir-Skittles at 18,May,24 13:41 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
kitkat your nasty tits look like two fried eggs hanging on a nail!

Post a CURRENT pic you cat cunt!

Stretch marks, hail damage, and a potbelly! If you were a car, it would be in the used car lot- back row!


She is a runner! High mileage special!

Several accidents, hail damage, and torn upholstery. Poorly maintained. The check engine light has been on for nearly 23 years.

Make an offer- Interesting trades considered!
By #715776 at 18,May,24 15:57
And that bothers you why?

By bella! at 18,May,24 16:04 other posts of bella! 
Does your mind ever take a rest? The comparison to a used car made me smile!
By Sir-Skittles at 18,May,24 16:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 18,May,24 16:51 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
A used car with a salvage title.

By Sir-Skittles at 18,May,24 16:25 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Just awful behavior I witnessed yesterday in lower Manhattan:

We were enjoying happy hour on the sidewalk when a bus full of special needs kids pulled up. I believe they were possibly Down's Syndrome or Cerebral Palsy ones. There were some people wearing NJ Devils jerseys walking by.

As the youths excited, there was a lot of yipping and howling. Some struggled to keep their heads straight. I think they were here on a tour or maybe a field trip.

One of the savages started laughing and the other was like, "where is the handler?" Many people including myself, were outraged.

This made me reach out to the site medical officer trying to understand these diseases.

There are several different types of cerebral palsy. Some people have a mix of symptoms.

Spastic CP is the most common type. Symptoms include:

Muscles that are very tight and do not stretch. They may tighten even more over time.

Abnormal walk (gait) -- arms tucked in toward the sides, knees crossed or touching, legs make "scissors" movements, walk on the toes.

Joints are tight and do not open all the way (called joint contracture).

Muscle weakness or loss of movement in a group of muscles (paralysis).

Symptoms may affect one arm or leg, one side of the body, both legs, or both arms and legs.

The following symptoms may occur in other types of CP:

Abnormal movements (twisting, jerking, or writhing) of the hands, feet, arms, or legs while awake, which gets worse during periods of stress

Unsteady gait
Loss of coordination
Floppy muscles, especially at rest, and joints that move around too much

Other brain and nervous system symptoms may include:

Learning disabilities are common, but intelligence can be normal
Speech problems (dysarthria)
Hearing or vision problems


Pain, especially in adults, which can be difficult to manage
Eating and digestion symptoms:

Difficulty sucking or feeding in infants, or chewing and swallowing in older children and adults
Vomiting or constipation
Explosive and uncontrolled diarrhea

Other symptoms:

Increased drooling
Slower than normal growth
Irregular breathing
Urinary incontinence

A horrible disease that the medical officer says could largely be prevented. Lack of oxygen during birth is a major cause. Shaking an infant is another.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 18,May,24 16:49 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Like if an infant were left in a toilet, and then pulled out roughly?

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,May,24 08:05 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Evangelical Pastor Makes OUTRAGEOUS Claim In Unhinged Sermon
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According to him, PTSD, OCD and ADHD don't exist.
Those are all just lies to medicate people.

To anyone who uses medication or has a kid on medication,
do you think he's just confused? Or is he lying to people?
Or will you stop using that medication now?

Understand that he's not just some random schmuck,
but he has the ear of many people and he's filling their head with nonsense.
That's his job!

By #715698 at 17,May,24 01:47
NC Senate votes to ban people from wearing masks in public for health reasons
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By #610414 at 24,Oct,22 11:49
Dgraff, you posted:
So it’s obvious old joe Biden won’t stand the test of time there is no way he can run again in 2024 so who do you think the democrats will run Hillary Clinton maybe it can’t be Kamala Harris her popularity is in the toilet who else am I forgetting

I'm hoping Liz Cheney changes parties and runs if President Biden doesn't,
By bella! at 24,Oct,22 11:55 other posts of bella! 
You're more than welcome to post in the thread, You are only asked you to remain civil.
By #610414 at 24,Oct,22 12:07
You will forgive me if I don't believe you. For now I prefer to copy/paste. Most of the time I'm interested in what the conversation and views, of the members that frequent your thread, are, anyway.
By bella! at 24,Oct,22 12:15 other posts of bella! 
You always have enjoyed the copy and paste. Believe what you like, but I do expect that you will remain civil.
By #610414 at 24,Oct,22 12:33
Speaking about fluff, look who's up!
Yes, I do believe, not necessarily what I like, but the truth. I will try to be civil in your thread if I decide to take you up on your invitation, but, this is my thread, and here, I'll say what kind of homo or Jew got my dander up. Same thing with female dogs.
By #672017 at 24,Oct,22 14:28
😬 I am surprised those words frequent your vocabulary.
By #610414 at 24,Oct,22 14:30
Why? Are we "girls" supposed to be dainty and chaste? 😈
By #672017 at 24,Oct,22 14:41
No, especially not on this site, but there's a difference between "unchaste" and "hateful".

In the future, I hope you remember that when you use words like that, you hurt more people than just the person you are directing them at.

We seem to agree on many things, but I had to make this point.
By #610414 at 24,Oct,22 16:05
Doritos, I know what you are trying to convey. Your advice is good, but, I, like other member, have had a moment of malice due to trash thrown my way. I have used those words in the past and others that I'm not proud of. They happen to best discribe my feelings for some other person at the time I wrote them. I intended to hurt the person those words were aimed at. That's not why I uttered them now. Those words were written during different times and different chats. There's a member, who is a prominent owner of a forum thread, that continually brings them up, even though they were not, necessarily used in her thread. That's neither here nor there. The point is that you believe those words may be hurting more people than the intended target. How so? Are there members that are identifying themselves as despicable (to me) people who deserve the discription?
You don't know much about me because you and I don't chat one-on-one. All you know of me is my political leanings and a few more things from my forum posts. You don't know that both, my husband and me, are bisexual. You don't know that many of my friends are homosexual or Jewish or both. And you certainly don't know about the simmering feud going on, for years, between this member I've mentioned and me. I appreciate your input. I can assure you that I will try to be gentler, but, lollipop, don't be surprised if I'm not.😈
By #672017 at 24,Oct,22 16:38
I am actually well acquainted with the object of your feud, going back years ago when I had a different account on here, and I very much get why you dislike them.

I would consider asking your friends how they feel when you use their identity to put others down.

Also, being a member of a community or having friends in it doesn't excuse one from doing hard to them. For example, I'm sure we've all seen racists claim: "Some of my bets friends are black!". It's so common as to be a meme unto itself.

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I'm NOT asking you to play nice with trollish behavior, just consider why those words boil over when you're aggravated.
By bella! at 24,Oct,22 18:59 other posts of bella! 
If you are actually well acquainted with me "going back years ago", when you had a different account, why not reintroduce yourself to me? I would very much like to know who I am interacting with.
By #672017 at 24,Oct,22 20:32
My name was "Derion". but I'm not sure it was memorable to you, we didn't interact directly, but I grew distasteful of your interactions with others, hence why you and several others received blacklisting after creating my current account.

I'm hoping we can co-exist at this point, even though I'm sure we still have deep disagreements.
By bella! at 24,Oct,22 20:49 other posts of bella! 
Derion, no, I do not recall you. Odd that you are able to recall my distasteful interactions with others and only mine.

No worries.
By #672017 at 24,Oct,22 21:19
You outlasted other people I remember

By bella! at 28,Oct,22 01:28 other posts of bella! 
I have been giving a bit of thought to former member's and the screen name of Derion. Although the pictures look nothing like anything I've seen posted here before, something keeps telling me the screen name, Derion, sounds very much like one of MONTED's aliases.
By #672017 at 28,Oct,22 01:47
I assure you, nothing could be further from the truth. MONTED was blacklisted by me for similar reason to PA-Freddy: Unnecessary nastiness i the chat rooms.

By #610414 at 24,Oct,22 19:48
I'm 70 yrs old. I grew up with those sayings, and, while they may be racist or crude, in a moment of anger they will come up. Not everyone can be politically correct 100% of the time.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Oh, and remember. Be careful what you divulge here. There are members of the site that are "deadly".
By Sir-Skittles at 14,May,24 01:09 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By phart at 31,Oct,22 01:48 other posts of phart 
Until recent times a woman that spoke nasty and hatful didn't get far on the social ladder. But now adays it is like a right of passage or something.
Acting respectable is not that damn hard to do.
By #610414 at 31,Oct,22 14:26
Phart I'm 73 and having had a relatively successful life, I'm no longer interested in climbing that proverbial"social ladder". These days I'm more Interested in equality and, I can see why modern women tend to talk nasty and hateful when they get put upon. Acting respectable is not that damn hard to do. That is true, but, men, traditionally, became (still do) disrespectful when confronted with diversity. It was part of that double standard accorded to women that made us second class citizens. As women, especially professional women, we've had to fight for simple right men have always enjoyed and told not to be disrespectful of the way things are. No wonder we've became nasty and hateful. You would have too.

By dgraff at 24,Oct,22 13:05 other posts of dgraff 
Liz Cheney that traitor I bet her father is rolling over in his grave and I don’t think we are ready for a woman as president at least not her
By phart at 24,Oct,22 14:05 other posts of phart 
Oh, give us some candy,
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America needs more like her.
By #610414 at 24,Oct,22 14:26
I'm Candy 🤣🤣😈
By phart at 24,Oct,22 17:50 other posts of phart 
Not the flavor we need in the white house though.

By Gntlmn at 24,Oct,22 16:07 other posts of Gntlmn 
What universe do you inhabit? That son of a buttfucker may be a lot of things, but dead ain't one of 'em
By #610414 at 24,Oct,22 16:18
I didn't even pick up on that. Good call Gntlmn.

By dgraff at 24,Oct,22 22:19 other posts of dgraff 
I’m sure he will be after his daughter turned on her political party old Dick should take her on one of his accidental hunting trips
By #610414 at 24,Oct,22 22:30
You really believe he would put up with Trump?
By dgraff at 25,Oct,22 02:09 other posts of dgraff 
Who wouldn’t he’s our savior
By #610414 at 25,Oct,22 11:13
Similar to Hitler or Musolini

By Ananas2xLekker at 31,Oct,22 14:35 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"Liz Cheney that traitor I bet her father is rolling over in his grave..."

Former VP Dick Cheney Calls Donald Trump A ‘Coward’ In New Ad
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Apparently, Dick Cheney is not in his grave and supports his daughter.
By #610414 at 31,Oct,22 14:40
Someone in the Repuckers party actually calling a spade a spade. Yes, former VP Cheney is right.

By #610414 at 09,May,24 15:09
I'm leaving. Thank you all that have been my friend and showed me love.
By PITBULL at 12,May,24 16:07 other posts of PITBULL 
bitch nobody love you here, they hate you
By Sir-Skittles at 12,May,24 18:52 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By Sir-Skittles at 12,May,24 11:45 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By Sir-Skittles at 07,May,24 22:16 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

New blog up!
By phart at 09,May,24 01:24 other posts of phart 
it says it's gone.

By #610414 at 08,May,24 15:54
_AxCx_ you posted on Bella!'s thread:
"Lmfao you steal pics from your daughter to try to mock me?"
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[deleted image]

By #610414 at 08,May,24 14:24
Thinking of a certain Mexican whore. _AxCx_

[deleted image]
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_AxCx_ wont accept msgs on her page. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black:

You can't post here now because this member deleted some of your comments recently. This is a temporary block that lasts 4 days. It will be lifted automatically, no action needed.

By #610414 at 07,May,24 14:44
I’ve been referring to a certain individual as “The Clown”. I’m now changing the way I refer to this individual. From now on he’s “Mr Von Shitzinpants”. 🤣🤣😈
--------------------------------------- added after 11 hours

You win, Sir-Skittles. You, your family, and your friends, are little more than cow shit. I’m leaving the site. You are a troll, just like your fellow members. 💩💩
By Gntlmn at 07,May,24 20:50 other posts of Gntlmn 
The diplomatic name for "Putin's analinguist"

By Sir-Skittles at 08,May,24 01:36 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
where did all the posts go here?

By #610414 at 23,Apr,24 13:08
What Actually Controls The Price Of Gas In The US?
Carolyn Osorio

Between keyboard warriors and comments sections, you might have noticed conflicting (and sometimes even downright incorrect) information about how, exactly, gas prices work in America today. While some popular opinions involve blaming whatever the current administration is for increases in gas prices, the issue is far more complicated than any singular person or even any singular government. In fact, the Energy Information Administration identifies four major factors that directly correlate to the cost of gas (and none of them are the president). These factors are crude oil prices (which are set by oil-producing countries), refining costs (which are increasingly impacted by natural disasters and climate change), distribution and marketing costs (which depend on the individual retailer you purchase gas from), and taxes (federal, state, and local taxes and fees).
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By phart at 23,Apr,24 17:57 other posts of phart 
thank you
Ok, 1, crude oil prices set by producing countries.
IF we were able to use our own oil, we could set the price of our own oil and not be affected by other countries.
2, refining cost, are directly linked to climate change prompted regulations as well.
Distribution and marketing, if if gas was regulated like electric and telephone, the cost would be steady and easier to budget each month because the cost would be predictable.
4, taxes, again, the government could change it's tax schemes to help the people. the 3 reason is the only 1 that at the moment can't be fixed directly by ANY administration in power at any given time.
DITCH OPEC and use our own damn oil.
By #610414 at 23,Apr,24 22:17
We do use our own oil. You mistake trading one country's oil for another to reduce cost of transportation as not using our own oil. This is wrong. Stop pushing this. In the end, this too is something controlled by the oil companies.
Taxes are needed to maintain the infrastructure. The alternative is paying a higher income tax if you have a driver's licence.
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Phone and electricity costs are local or semi local. Can you imagine finding a way to charge for gas? It's ludicrous.

By phart at 01,May,24 00:53 other posts of phart 
Ok cat, if biden can't do anything about gas prices, why is he being pressured to do so?
And what the hell are democrats trying to do? finish killing off the economy? we need affordable gas to keep the country moving.
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By #610414 at 01,May,24 10:38
This is a political subject, not a gas availability issue. We'll have to see what Biden does.
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The bottom line is, if you don't like what's happening in this administration, vote them out.........but, if they get reelected, THEN more agree with them than not. I think and hope they win. The Clown is not an option.
By phart at 01,May,24 14:04 other posts of phart 
please cat,if neither are good the job, give us another choice!
at the moment,Trump is the only thing we have to choose except for biden,and I would burn down the voting booth and go to jail before i would vote for that man
By #610414 at 01,May,24 14:31
I can’t give you another choice. You (plural), are giving the Clown the go ahead. You guys had the chance to put a better choice that could beat Biden and put the Clown away.
By phart at 01,May,24 15:06 other posts of phart 
Ok so who would that choice have been?
It is time for answers, And frankly the short answer at the moment is no 1 wants the job that you would approve of other than a liberal democrat because of the way Trump is being treated. Would you put yourself up on a podium to be treated like he is right now?
By #610414 at 01,May,24 21:38
Nicky did.
By phart at 01,May,24 22:30 other posts of phart 
and kamalla woulda been her vice probably. I don't like her for alot of reasons.
she also sold a bunch of state owned land to the chinese, boy talk about a real patriot.
By #610414 at 01,May,24 23:25
Nicky Haley is a Republican. Harris is a Democrat.
By phart at 02,May,24 00:36 other posts of phart 
Well, alot of folks don't see much difference between haley and a democrat
By #610414 at 02,May,24 12:30
There’s not supposed to be a big difference. Traditional Republicans believe in the same things that traditional Democrats believe in. The difference is in the way they reach those things.
Neither group wants to a leader to call, on his own, whether an election is fair. Nor do they want to allow the military to be the enforcers of presidential power. Neither wants to have the government to monitor pregnant women’s pregnancy. Neither wants mass deportations of MILLIONS of illegal immigrants, at the expense of the taxpayers, may I add.
That is what we, the public, want. Sensible leaders who can be chosen to actually LEAD following the rules of law. From either group.
By phart at 02,May,24 14:01 other posts of phart 
good luck with that. It hasn't been that good in decades.
Don't let the illegals in, and you don't have to figure out how to get rid of them.
Kinda like preventing cancer,don't smoke and that will greatly reduce the chances of getting it.
By #610414 at 02,May,24 15:04
So true. Now give us a lawful way to do that.
By phart at 02,May,24 15:14 other posts of phart 
simple, encounter a suspected illegal. Ask for government issued id and social security number. If none are provided, detain,investigate,and deport.
By #610414 at 02,May,24 16:30
Great except that's being done already. How's that working?
By phart at 02,May,24 17:17 other posts of phart 
Not well because to much effort is being wasted on unrelated things Every step the texas governor is trying, and the feds are fighting him tooth and nail.
By kebmo at 02,May,24 18:21 other posts of kebmo 
The Transmountain pipeline from Alberta to tidewater in Vancouver is now open. This tripples is the amount of crude oil being shipped out of our country but not to the United States.
The NAFTA agreement says that any oil that Canada sells to the US or Mexico has to be the same price as we sell it to other Canadian refineries and vice versa. A lot of his oil may now leave the country by way of this new pipeline which opened this week.
Alberta oil is in a landlocked situation and getting it to tidewater to ship overseas has been a desire of ours for decades.
This pipeline is huge to Alberta. It triples our tidewater shipping capacity from 300,000 barrels per day to 890,000 barrels per day. If the US is no longer receiving some of this oil it could very well affect the gasoline prices in the US because that oil will have to be bought somewhere else at world prices as opposed to NAFTA prices.
Where Alberta oil goes has always been a very contentious issue in Canada. Alberta (and the federal government) wanted to build this pipeline east (Energy East) instead of west to supply Ontario, Quebec and our Maritime provinces but Quebec said no so we went west and will sell it to the world (Asia) at a higher price.
Every time oil prices change by one dollar it affects the Alberta economy by $100 million.
By phart at 02,May,24 19:19 other posts of phart 
I thought Nafta was replaced?

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I will have to read thru it later

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By kebmo at 02,May,24 19:49 other posts of kebmo 
Because most of Canadian oil was shipped to the US we only had one customer. The reason we didn’t have more customers was because Alberta oil is landlocked and was unable to get to the sea to ship globally. Now that this new pipeline is open we do have access to global markets so we will be able to get more money for our oil. Supply and demand.
By phart at 02,May,24 21:38 other posts of phart 
um. well something is amiss because wholesale gas is down to 2.59 a galllon.
By kebmo at 03,May,24 00:59 other posts of kebmo 
Well then be sure to send a thank you note to Mr. Biden!
By #610414 at 03,May,24 13:17

By phart at 03,May,24 18:44 other posts of phart 
his admin is trying find ways to make it cost more,didn't you see all that ruckus last week on the net?
By #610414 at 03,May,24 19:41
By phart at 04,May,24 00:28 other posts of phart 
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By kebmo at 02,May,24 18:24 other posts of kebmo 
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By leopoldij at 03,May,24 23:18 other posts of leopoldij 
David Dennison is fucked up.
By phart at 04,May,24 00:23 other posts of phart 
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jealous of his intellect?

By phart at 27,Apr,24 18:27 other posts of phart 
Democrat lost more than his shirt in san fransico,the land of rice a roni and street thugs.
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By leopoldij at 27,Apr,24 19:43 other posts of leopoldij 
By the way, you should know that when you link stuff from Microsoft, one must have an account in order to read them; otherwise did, they're not available to a person without an account. And, of course, many won't open an account in order to access that shit site.
By phart at 27,Apr,24 22:10 other posts of phart 
I don't have a account, it just comes up when I do a search.
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By leopoldij at 27,Apr,24 23:26 other posts of leopoldij 
Then, I guess, it's free only for people in the US. I honestly can't access this content.
By phart at 28,Apr,24 03:44 other posts of phart 
good gosh, i can't either on that last link and I just went to it and thought it was easy,
I will try again.
Adam Schiffs luggage is stolen from his car in san fransisco.
Perhaps a uk paper will have a page?
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By leopoldij at 28,Apr,24 04:17 other posts of leopoldij 
Ok, I accessed this last one from the guardian. Works. Sad story. But he should be careful in places with lots of thieves.

Sometimes a page will give different kind of privileges to different users, depending on their location, on the number of times they accessed the site before, on the kind of computer they have and on the type of browser.
By phart at 28,Apr,24 13:27 other posts of phart 
I use the firefox browser for most stuff, have been using Brave for youtube nowadays as it cuts out all the ads
I just find it so ironic that soft on crime democrats are getting socked in the wallet just as everyone else by having to pay for car windows and most property to replace what was taken.
IF they kept the crooks locked up,95% of it would not be happening.

By Ananas2xLekker at 28,Apr,24 12:53 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Is that newsworthy to you? Ahuh, ahuh, a Democrat got his shit stolen.
Yeah, crime exists, Democrats know that. But, just like your Republican politicians, they are all rich and don't have to care about living in the world that you live in.

Still, Democrats actually have good plans to reduce crime.
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The irony is, REPUBLICANS think 'defunding the police' will help.
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Republicans just keep telling you that tougher punishment will help.
It's nothing but bullshit for gullible people. They are incapable of doing anything useful, so the only thing they have to get voters, is lying that everything is getting worse because of the Democrats and then saying that they have the solutions.

Republicans are incapable of imagining solutions, just like you.
This is the level of your thinking:
- Mental illness? -> Lock them up!
- Crime? -> Just kill all the criminals!
- Immigrants coming for your jobs? -> Build a wall!
- Poor people? -> They should work harder!
- People cannot afford medication? -> Leave it up to the market!
- School shooting? -> Give guns to the stressed out teachers!
- Climate change? -> The earth's weather has always changed!
- Unwanted pregnancies? -> Their own fault for fucking!
- Black people protesting police violence? -> Shut the fuck up!
- Students protesting genocide by Israel? -> Shut the fuck up!
- Free speech? -> My right to say the N-word and be a douche online!

I wouldn't want to straw-man you, so tell me if you don't agree with any of them.
In any case, it's the thinking of primitive people, and it's what your mind is reduced to, when you only watch right-wing media.

Republicans have a House majority. It's their responsibility to create laws to provide those solutions, even if they are your stupid solutions. But they have not! None of the problems ever get solved when a Republican is in power. They stop talking about those problems when a Republican is in power, but as soon as a Democrat enters the White house, all those problems are back, the day after. What happened?
Didn't your president solve those problems?

Sure, your House majority has to work with the Democrat majority in the Senate, but they didn't even try. There has never been a House this ineffectieve ever. They are only fighting among themselves, because some of them want to do nothing and shut down the government completely and others want to keep the country running.
None of them actually want to do anything USEFUL.
By phart at 28,Apr,24 13:26 other posts of phart 
you know as well as I do if the legs don't part,nothing grows in the womb
so why would anyone disagree with that 1?
You are not 100% wrong in most of your thinking,the problem is you don't realize, there is NO FIXING alot of the people out there that are on drugs or that commit crimes by habit.
You waste time and money on rehabing someone and the next day after they are free from jail they are right back in.
Dope heads, they are hooked, and it is their fault for the most part,no one held a gun to their head and said,"take this". they took it on their own.

Work earns a wage, it does help poverty.
By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Apr,24 15:29 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
So, basically, you agreed with every point, is what you're saying.

You are tricked by 'populism'. It is a belief in simple solutions to complex problems. Some of those problems are real, but they always misrepresent the causes.
When people don't understand the causes, there is no possibility of introducing real solutions. That's why populism always fails in solving the problems.
In fact, mostly the problems will only get worse. It always fails, but keeps pointing
to others for their failure.

"When populism runs out of road, it blames the road."

You keep blaming people. How come that your people suck so much then?
Americans are the hardest working people in the modern world. Then why are there so much more poor people in the US, than in most of the modern world?
It just doesn't make sense.
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By phart at 30,Apr,24 15:48 other posts of phart 
because there aren't as many people working hard in America as you are lead to believe.
THe definition of "hard work" has changed drastically over the years.

Hard work is going down in the coal mines , hard work is welding pipe lines, digging ditches. Used to be that running heavy machinery like bulldozers was hard work but now they are enclosed ,air conditioned, gps navigated and so on to a point it is hardly more difficult that driving a Toyota.

Young people think working 8 hours at Mc Donalds is hard work, and that type thing is what skews the numbers to the benefit of the stats you read.
By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Apr,24 16:04 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If hard work reduces poverty, why are they so poor in countries where people are doing the most and the hardest work?

You worked hard, when you worked. You know it didn't pay well.
I sit on my ass all day and that pays a lot more.

That hard work, you are supporting, is terribly inefficient.
Machinery makes working much more efficient.
That bulldozer required a hardened man, now any woman can do it.
That's why productivity has gone through the roof and is still climbing.
That's creating more value with less people. That added value is just mostly going to the wealthy. That's why the middle class, doing the actual work, is declining and why the upper class, who don't do any hard work, is more wealthy than ever before.

If you value hard work so much, why do you like the wealthy so much?
None of them are shoveling coal or welding pipes.
By phart at 30,Apr,24 16:14 other posts of phart 
Without the wealthy, who is going to pay for the research, development, salary's of the jobs the hard working people do?

Also I was thinking and was coming back to mention another point.
Do these charts and specs take into account what is considered wealthy in other countries compared to the US?

Jeff bezo's is wealthy in the US, but Strive Masiyiwa is considered wealthy in zimbabwa.
BIG difference in the amount of money
By #610414 at 30,Apr,24 18:42
This first sentence is you putting the cart before the horse. All initial endeavors start with an idea. After, if successful, then more research can be done. Investors grease the work, but, many times, the investors are middle income people that either invest a few coins or donate to a worthy cause.
I have no beef with megazillionaires, but, they did make their money on the shoulders of the common people.

By #610414 at 02,May,24 13:05
Phart, young people is not a good group to base the thinking of the average adult. Just about every young person starts their work life at a low skill job. All I have to do is look at morning traffic to realize most people GO TO WORK. What they work at is not the measuring stick for hard work. Swinging a pick is much less challenging than figuring out complex problems that require long periods of time to solve.
How many pick handlers do you know off that could develop penicillin or a polio vaccine? How many welders do you know that could invent a transistor ? How many rednecks do you know that can design a space vehicle of any kind? How many blue collar workers do you know that can calculate the monthly payment of a loan at 6% for a period of 3 yrs?
I’m not putting down those other people that do those jobs you’ve mentioned. My Dad was a redneck and proud of it. He worked construction out in the Florida and Carribean sun all his adult life and before that he was in the Army Air Corp.
There’s no way to define “hard work” except to say it’s an activity a person tries hard to do.
By phart at 02,May,24 13:54 other posts of phart 
I am a redneck that can weld and understand electronics!
By #610414 at 02,May,24 13:57
Yeah, but what about LIBERAL WOMEN.

By leopoldij at 02,May,24 01:00 other posts of leopoldij 
God bless trump and America 🤜🏻🙏🏼🇺🇸💪🏼

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By #610414 at 02,May,24 12:17
Leo, HE can bless one or the other but not both at the same time. Maybe that fallen angel, Lucifer, has something to do with the Clown. 🤣🤣😈

By phart at 12,Jan,23 15:45 other posts of phart 
Illegals are really "grateful" for the help they get.
Look at the wasted food, and etc.
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By #610414 at 12,Jan,23 16:23
First, they are LEGAL. Second, so what? Either the hotel is making money or they would have been kicked out. Phart, one example doesn't make any difference. Get over this hatred for illegals.
By phart at 12,Jan,23 16:28 other posts of phart 
This is not about hatred,this is about wastefulness .That was enough food to feed our homeless for a week or more being thrown away because of those ungrateful people's wasteful mindset.It's free to them so they don't care,it is not free to the tax payer.
And I doubt there is much money being made,you haven't saw the place once the illegals leave. May not be worth rebuilding.
And I Doubt this is the only place this waste is happening.
It is 1 thing to come here asking for help.But when you waste that help,and fight and fuck and tear up everything,that is when you should be sent back to where ever the hell you came from.And all that sex in the hall ways is only leading to even MORE babies to have to feed because once they fall out of their mothers worn out holes, they are citizens, for the country to keep up.
I can't believe you can't comprehend waste
And another thing,there were plenty of homeless people already in New York that could have been put up in those hotels with that SAME federal money. Why are citizens being denied this luxury and only the illegals or whatever the fuck is ok to call them get it all free?
By leopoldij at 12,Jan,23 17:26 other posts of leopoldij 
Cat is right
By phart at 12,Jan,23 18:13 other posts of phart 
I knew you would agree it is ok to leave our legal citizens starveing and homeless and let the illegals throw away food and desimate our resources.You think the world is a endless horn of plenty,wrong,it has a bottom and eventually people will see it,when they hit it.
I didn't change the subject on the thread you made,I started this 1 to show that you aren't the only 1 asking questions.
that can't get answers rather they make sense or not.
I know the world is dangerous.and until people are deterred from harming each other and learn to value life, nothing will change, except maby the tools if your type of folks have their way.
By leopoldij at 12,Jan,23 21:08 other posts of leopoldij 
The existence of poverty is due to there being so many filthy rich, individuals who have more money than entire nations.
Some of their money should be redistributed to poor people or, better yet, by creating new sustainable conditions for the welfare
of the poor. Nobody should own more than, say, 10,000,000,000, that is like owning 10 million luxurious houses each 10 million dollars worth. It should be illegal to have that much money. It's too much and such people are a threat to the stability of a nation (because they can, for example, pay politicians, buy armies , etc).

That's the sustainable solution.

Together with an obvious disease: there are too many people on this planet. We should go down to at most 5 billion people by asking people not too have too many children.
By phart at 13,Jan,23 00:55 other posts of phart 
OH my Goodness? You just discribed George Soro's!
He has literally bankrupted 2 countries.
But he gets a pass because he supports liberal causes.
A conservitive leaning person of his caliber would be hunted down by Seal team 6 like a terrorist.
By Ananas2xLekker at 29,Apr,24 16:35 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
What a ridiculous victim complex. Conservative biljonairs are running the whole world into a war-stricken hellscape and no one is touching them at all. They are respected by politicians, the media and you.
That story of George Soros gets more ridiculous every time I hear it. Some sites on the internet now claim he broke 15 countries. Which one are your 2? Malaysia and England? He used their own system, legally, to enrich himself. Both Malaysia and England are fine, not bankrupt. You would endorse that as being a smart person, every day, but because he's mildly culturally liberal and donates to Democrats, he's your chosen bad guy.

You just defended Warren Buffett from being a villain, but he's exactly the same as George Soros. They hack the capitalist system to create money from nothing, to enrich themselves. At least they used smart tricks. High-frequency trading is just abusing the power of a server farm to gain a millisecond advantage to take advantage of the trading system, to create money from nothing. It wastes ridiculous amount of electricity, raises your electricity costs, steals billions of dollars from the economy and creates stock crashes too. They are not evil or villains to do that, people are rubes to keep supporting the system that allows them to keep doing that. Democrats want to restrict it Republicans keep supporting it.

Like I said before, you only see the faults in the system,
when it's a Democrat or a liberal abusing the system.
When it's a Republican or conservative doing much worse,
then you always find a way to defend it.

By #610414 at 12,Jan,23 23:54
Phart, wouldn’t it be great if we could roll back time to a few years ago? Say, to 2008? There were no homeless people then. Vets had all their problems taken cared off. Insurance companies were well regulated. There were no homosexuals. Disabled people had full support of the US government. Illegal aliens were all stopped at the border. There was no discrimination of any people. We all had health insurance for life. Ahh, those were the times, my friend.

By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Jan,23 08:46 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Your legal citizens are starving and homeless, because they are exploited by the same people that illegals are. It's not the lack of resources you should worry about, because there is an abundance of it, it's who controls those resources, why you have citizens who are starving and homeless.
By #610414 at 20,Jan,23 19:17
Every country has citizens that are starving and homeless. The people who do the exploiting exist in every country. Even yours, Ananas. They may exploit for different reasons but the end is the same. There's the have and the have nots. Even in the most socialistic country there's that one that has a Datcha and a car with a driver because "he is important to making the system work". I do understand what you, Ananas, are trying to convey, but, "exploited" doesn't really fit here. While many resources are available through corporate efforts, not all is controlled by Wall Street types. I know where I can pick fruit and veggies for personal consumption. I know where a Ma and Pa grocery store sells fresh meats. I know how to bake bread and make very good and healthy meals. I don't need a car, a bicycle is good enough. So, you see, it would be hard to exploit me. And, before you say, "Ah, but what about money?". That, too, is not at the mercy of the Big Guys. I have a service (I have a nursing degree) I can sell. You are European and as such, your history includes many times the citizentry have been subjugated and it's natural to shout for equality. In our country, despite all the discrimination and police brutality, we can still say we are relatively free to be happy.
By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jan,23 15:43 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"The people who do the exploiting exist in every country. Even yours, Ananas."
That's true. That is the problem I'm addressing all the time.

If by your reference to a 'Datcha', you imply that Russia is, or ever was the most socialistic country; it isn't and it never was. It was at most communist; an authoritarian government controlling everything. Socialism means full democratic control of the PEOPLE. Russia never had that, it was always controlled by the wealthy elite and it still is now. The people never had any power and even now Putin does some sham elections, they still have no power. The most 'socialistic' countries are the Scandinavian countries. And there are the least starving and homeless people in the world there. When people refer to Venezuela, they know nothing. That's a corrupt state run by oil barons, an oligarchy is not socialism.
The people have no power at all.

A free market is part of capitalism. It doesn't mean that everything is owned and controlled by corporations. But who is owner of the farm, or the mortgage of the farm or who owns that mom and pop shop, who collects their rent, who controls the money you pay with or the method you pay by. Where did the farm buy their seeds, or the manure. Who competes with that farm and mom and pop shop, determining the price you are willing to pay, where does your money come from?
When there is an economic crisis, who gets bailed out with your tax-dollars,
that self-pick farm, the mom and pop shop, or big banks and corporations?
In all those steps, corporations have lots of influence over what you think is an uncontrolled free market.

In the past, everyone was exploited. We come from a time of lords and serfs.
It's true that people are more free to be happy now, but don't be complacent, because your freedom is fragile and the time of lords and serfs is closer than you think. For many uneducated working people, it's already a reality that is almost inescapable. They are living in their car, on the parking lot of the factory, because they don't have money for a house and they work too many hours to travel home anyway. That bar of exploitation is moving up, to more people we used to call the 'middle class'. How many jobs do you know, that used to pay enough to house and feed a whole family and now doesn't pay enough for one person? Are there less people doing those jobs now? Or are there now just more people with jobs that don't pay enough to house and feed them?

By phart at 12,Jan,23 19:22 other posts of phart 
Leo,since you like stats,
Check these out.
A near-record 22,077 single adults slept in shelters each night in October 2022. Over the course of City Fiscal Year 2022, 102,656 different homeless adults and children slept in the New York City Department of Homeless Services (DHS) shelter system. This includes 29,653 homeless children.
Did you read that? over 29,000 homeless KIDS! IN 1 city.
No resources to house them except in "shelters". BUT suddenly when some of bidens puppets are shipped in from the border, there is 1000's of dollars to pay for hotels,food,and etc.
Citizens first, America FIRST.
By #610414 at 12,Jan,23 23:47
The question is why are they there. They are there because a REPUBLICAN governor bussed them there. Those 29,000 NY homeless, would they have been any more or less homeless if those LEGAL immigrants had not been .bussed BY FORCE by the Texas REPUBLICAN governor? I think not.
By phart at 13,Jan,23 00:51 other posts of phart 
You can't dodge the fact there was suddenly money coming out of nowhere for the illegals,that was not visable when needed for the citizens,
By #610414 at 13,Jan,23 01:29
You don't know where that money came from. Every city has a slush fund
By phart at 13,Jan,23 03:09 other posts of phart 
THen why don't they use it for solving problems with Americans?
Instead of waiting for illegals to get dropped on them? Hell they coulda sent the money to mexico and the immigrants coulda blown it there.
By #610414 at 13,Jan,23 11:26
You do realize these people presented themselves to border security and they were allowed in as any other immigrants seeking asylum, don't you?
By phart at 20,Jan,23 01:41 other posts of phart 
You HONESTLY think they are telling the truth or just repeating what some coyote told them to say after taking their money to get them to the border? Asylum means they are threatened and running for their lives. I can't believe that every 1 of them is running for their lives. they are running to free rides on our tab.
Hell I would learn a few phrases to if it meant me staying in a 400 dollar a night hotel for free how ever long I wanted to.
By #610414 at 20,Jan,23 22:13
In December 2022, the United States accepted 69refugees from Ukraine. In fiscal year 2022 - which ended September 30 - the U.S. had accepted a total of 1,610 Ukrainian refugees. The most Ukrainian refugees arrived in February of 2022, the same month that Ukraine was invaded by Russia.Jan 11, 2023

What is the word for Ukrainian coyote?
By phart at 25,Jan,23 15:06 other posts of phart 
Ukraine is actually at war in case you missed the news. And I am willing to bet once the war is over these folkes will go home.
Central america has been in rock throwing mode long before most immigrants were born. So their parents knew the score and shoulda kept their pants up and not brought kids into that world.
By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jan,23 15:50 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"So their parents knew the score and shoulda kept their pants up and not brought kids into that world."

Their life already sucks and then you deny them sex too.

Why do you think I am pro-choice? Because sometimes contraceptives fail and then I don't want people, who are in no shape to raise children, being forced to bring kids into a horrible world.
You understand the last part, but fail to understand that people should have a choice, better than the one you're offering.
By phart at 25,Jan,23 16:09 other posts of phart 
So who made all these rubbers that are failing? sheesh ,lawsuits may be in order?
By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jan,23 16:34 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
There are more contraceptives than just rubbers.
But like I said before, Republicans want to ban contraceptives too.

By #610414 at 25,Jan,23 17:16
That's not much of an argument, Phart, after all, your parents knew the score on the state of the US and they pulled their pants down.

By DarkMax at 28,Apr,24 14:46 other posts of DarkMax 
Coyote is a species of canine native to North America.
There is no wild coyote in Ukraine. So, coyote in Ukrainian is koyot ( койот ).

By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Jan,23 08:49 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You SAY "Citizens first, America FIRST", but you DO Elon Musk first, Jeff Bezos first.

Isn't 200 billion enough for them to start thinking about 'the citizens'?
It's your idea of capitalism, that the wealthy run the country, right?
So, how much more do they need to have, before you give them some responsibility?
A trillion? Ten trillion? 99% of all the money? 100%? WHEN????

If the wealthy don't have that responsibility, than who?
You want to give them all the power, but no responsibility?
Do you see the recipe for disaster now?
By phart at 25,Jan,23 15:08 other posts of phart 
Gee,is Amazon fully automated? No, they have employees to work for them.Supplying jobs.
Does Elon build all of his cars? Does he do all the design work and welding? No,he hires people for that and pay them very well.
Without those 2 people,how many 1000's would be working elsewhere,for less money,if at all?
ALOT of them.

So these rich people do take some responsibility for the citizens.The citizens that are willing to get educated and work. Not the 1's that want to lay around at starbucks drinking 10 dollar latte's while hoping sleepy joe erases their college debt from their useless degree.

Oh,by the way,have you forgot Nuero link? You know the company Elon started to design brain implants for the blind and so forth?To help the disabled?
Does George soro's take THAT kind of action for others? No,he spends his money created confusion, riots and spreading hatred and division.
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Did Elon build all this by himself?

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Did Elon design this?
Employees did.
By #610414 at 25,Jan,23 23:12
They don't. It just works out that way because they have a business. They don't get up in the morning and ask themselves, " What can I do for people"
By phart at 26,Jan,23 01:22 other posts of phart 
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Most going to climate change but hey,liberals can't say he is not going to help.

even the worlds worst enemy george soros has given 32 billion to cause's he supports.
To say the rich do nothing for the people is a broad brush.

By phart at 25,Jan,23 15:05 other posts of phart 
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Gee,maby we should have taken them to florida.Maby they could steal from your neighbors instead of new yorkers.
These illegals were staying at 1 of the 400 dollar a night hotels by the way,on taxpayers dime.
What were they going to do with 12,000 dollars worth of stuff from a fancy store? I doubt they were going to wear it.Probably shuttle it to a 3rd party for about 400 bucks to be sold at the flea markets somewhere
By #610414 at 25,Jan,23 23:17
You assume. Bottom line, they broke the law. They got caught. They'll have a trial and, probably, found guilty. They'll be sentenced and will have to serve it. They will be deported. What I can't believe is that you prefer these people be bussed to Florida instead of New York. I can't believe you don't see why this bussing is wrong.
By phart at 26,Jan,23 01:26 other posts of phart 
The bussing is 1 of the best ideas yet to combat the issue of the out of control border.It has democrat mayors like from new york on tv talking about the problem.His ideas may not be the best,BUT if HE and other democrats are hollaring about it,it will bring the issue to the eyes of the democrats.
A few democrats may actually take time to learn the truth and may work in a positive way to a solution. Until he got a bunch of the illegals bussed to him the Mayor of new york did not give 2 shits about the struggles of other citys and states. Now he does. That is what you need. Instead of being "woke" WAKE UP!
By #610414 at 26,Jan,23 18:10
Phart, don't you think everyone in the country knows there's a human crisis occuring in our southern border? What, exactly, did this stunt do to come up with a solution? Millions of taxpayers dollars are being spent, and for what? So some dumbass Republican governor can look good for the next election? Because Texas gets nothing from this. Like you say, all that money could have gone to help the homeless and vets.
You blame the Democrats, but, what do you think they'll be able to do? You think McCarthy and the other Republicans in the House will let the Biden administration come up with a solution? Not happening.
By phart at 26,Jan,23 18:57 other posts of phart 
The democrats do not want a solution,they are enjoying the mess.
As for what they could do, CLOSE THE FUCKING BORDER .
There is no war down in central america right now,so no reason for asylum.
By #610414 at 26,Jan,23 19:22

By phart at 22,Apr,24 20:12 other posts of phart 
I am putting this here so leo and annass can see it
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folks are always talking about republicans and their money, this shines a different light. liberals that married into money spending it to insure more crime
By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Apr,24 12:11 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
What relation are you trying to make between the article and what you are saying?

"liberals that married into money spending it to insure more crime" ????

The article is speaking about "The recent crime wave in American cities".
That's absolute bullshit; every type of crime is down a lot, everywhere.
They are just making up nonsense to justify more nonsense.
By phart at 23,Apr,24 18:01 other posts of phart 
"The reality is that there’s big money behind criminal justice reform. In California, Attorney General Rob Bonta and others have been heavily funded by philanthropists, many of whom inherited or married into money. "

Heres what needs to be understood.
"It remains to be seen whether angry voters and exasperated urban business owners will force more big-city Democrats to move toward the center on the issue of law and order. But even if they do, the damage in the form of lost lives, stolen property and blighted neighborhoods done by progressive prosecutors funded by misguided Democratic plutocrats cannot be undone."
By #610414 at 23,Apr,24 22:07
a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
Phart, you make it sound as a bad thing. The truth is that major crime is down in big cities and going up in red states.
By phart at 23,Apr,24 22:11 other posts of phart 
Why is it everytime I check my email my local community board is busting at the seems with camera footage of folks cars being broke into while parked in peoples driveways, shootings, muggings, all this stuff is still filling our news cast every day.
By #610414 at 24,Apr,24 21:24
You live in the Carolinas, a Red state.
By phart at 24,Apr,24 22:59 other posts of phart 
This aint in carolina, but over there,
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Crime hasn't went down, it is just less talked about to make it look like things are good.
Things are bad,really bad.
By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Apr,24 13:51 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Showing news articles about crimes is not an argument.
We are not saying crime is GONE, we are saying it is DOWN.

The media has an incentive to keep you hooked on news.
Then the 24/7 news channels have nothing else to do,
than grinding out every little story to its absolute depth.
That gives people the idea that the world is turning uglier by the day.
That's mostly perception, crime really has gone down year by year,
with maybe a temporary uptick here and there, when there is a crisis
and people are more desperate and stressed out.
Check some statistics, before you make claims on your feelings.
Your feelings are based on hypes and lies.

The only crime that is worrying is mass shootings. You cannot solve that with criminal justice reform, not in a liberal way and not in a right-wing way.
The only thing that would help is improving mental healthcare and gun reform. Republicans think mental healthcare is too expensive and think that gun reform is an afrond against the 2nd amendment. That means that the worst crime know to man is flourishing, while crimes that can be reduced with policing has been declining for decades.
By phart at 25,Apr,24 18:53 other posts of phart 
mental health would not be a problem had the insane asylums not been closed off years ago and the people sent out with pills in hand to cope and be a tumor on society.
By #610414 at 25,Apr,24 20:11
I would check your sources again.
"According to the Definitive Healthcare platform, there are 820 active psychiatric hospitals in the U.S. as of March 2023."
By phart at 25,Apr,24 22:02 other posts of phart 
Well they must have plenty of openings.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Apr,24 22:09 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Sure, lock'em all up, that's your solution for everything.
Mental healthcare is a preventative measure, for normal people
who are going through rough times to get help, so they can cope.
It's a good investment to help people back on their feet.

In your system, how are they going to decide who to lock up?
People who are suffering from depression? Lock them up!
A guy having a hard time dealing with a divorce? Lock him up!
A nerdy guy who suffering torment from his schoolmates? Lock him up!
A postman got fired from his job and is posting hate online? Lock him up!
That's what you have to do to prevent the mass murders of the last years.
They were mostly normal people with issues like these.
They just went crazy, because they had no one to turn to.
You will have to lock up millions of people, to catch the one who would go crazy.

But sure, think of the absolute worst and most expensive solution, for something that can be treated very effectively, if you only spend some tax-dollars for some good things. Tax-dollars that will come back, from the people who are able to function in society again.

I might have to rethink my love for democracy. People like you can vote too.
By phart at 25,Apr,24 22:14 other posts of phart 
I was bullied in school, and you know what? the school never did a damn thing about it. THAT's 1 thing that could change.
Don't lock up the victim of harassment or bullying, lock up the damn bully's because later they will be come the thieves and rapist and murderers. most sicko's start out being bully's in school, torturing animals and other kids, only to become worse as they age. that is a problem that could be fixed to make life more pleasant for everyone.
By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Apr,24 12:05 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
And you're obviously damaged for life.
If they helped you, maybe you would have a better opinion of people.
You're right that most people 'turn to the dark side', when they're young.
Most of them are not bad by nature, their parents are just bad parents.
When teachers see children turn bad, they should send the whole family to caregivers. The parents might need even more help, than the kid itself.
That's exactly how you "make life more pleasant for everyone."
Better parents -> better kids -> less thieves, rapist and murderers.
By #610414 at 26,Apr,24 12:31
Amen to that, Ananas. We treat the child (sometimes) and totally ignore the home life. Kids learn to be bullies or delinquents.
Phart, I'm sorry for your suffering growing up. My brothers and I, we protected each other. My older brother, Teddy, made sure no one messed with me. We both made sure no one bothered Rick or Tom, our younger brothers. He and I would gang up on anyone and everyone if they as much as looked the wrong way at them. We also protected our friends. Everyone knew that you didn't mess with the CAT family.
By phart at 26,Apr,24 15:26 other posts of phart 
I will never forget 1 of the high school wrestlers that used to beat me everyday on the bus. Many years later ,a scrawny, disheveled looking fellow,that looked strung out on drugs, saw me in a store where I was getting a cold drink a cracker ,back when you could still afford them at the convience store.He made eye contact with me and started crying like a newborn baby. Got on his knees literally right there in the aisle and said "please forgive me for what I did to you when we were kids" and went on and on and on just crying his eyes out.By then we had a crowd. I just said, "get up off your damn knees and stand like a mand and get over it,that was decades ago and I am grown and past it now.sure you hurt me and hurt me bad, but I am over, and you need to be to.".
I heard later he shot himself.
So the bully didn't win.
By Ananas2xLekker at 27,Apr,24 19:48 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Many bullies are having mental health issues themselves.
They are venting frustration and anger, from being abused themselves,
or they feel the need to demean other people to feel better about themselves. Mentally stable and happy people don't do things like that.
You shouldn't be surprised how he ended up.

Still, there are many people who keep abusing other people, like they did in school, but just by being hateful to other people. I think they are incapable of ever loving and respecting anyone, even the ones closest to them.
They are the husbands that beat or just belittle their wives and children.
Then the chain of misery continues, because the children most of the time turn out the same way.
That's what mental healthcare is also good for; cut the chain of abuse.
By phart at 27,Apr,24 22:01 other posts of phart 
cutting that chain of abuse can also be accomplished by REMOVEING the abuser from the picture.
Having witnessed how the medicines work that are used for mentally illness, it would be difficult for me to support turning a father back loose with his family while on heavy dose's of medicine. oh for a few weeks or months, johnny is doing great .finishing all his puzzles and making his own chocolate milk and fetching his own cookies.medicines that we perscribed but still don't know how they work are fixing the problem.Turn him back to his family and his air traffic controller job and let's move on to Tyron and billy.
3 months later johnny kills his family by driving off a cliff.
That's exaggerated to make a point. The real case I witnessed consisted of a 35 year old nutjob that was being medicated, got drunk and while drunk had a reaction to his meds. He went to the hospital er and ask for a certain med that he was hooked on because he was buying it off the street, of course they refused.He was not a patient and they could not verify he needed the meds. So he proceeded to walk up to the 5 th story of the parking deck and jump off into the bushes down below, tossing both leg bones out the pants legs.As they rolled him back into the er he said, "Now can I have some pain meds".
THat is what treatment for mental illness accomplishes. it keeps nut cases like him walking among us. Oh, yea, once he got out of the hospital from that , he decided he would kill himself 1 day after a dispute with his girlfriend. He walks out in front of a truck. Gets banged up so he can get some dope..
By Ananas2xLekker at 28,Apr,24 12:06 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Oh, sure, locking up their father or mother is surely going to help
those children to grow up like respectable citizens.

Mental healthcare is not just for mentally ill people, it's for people BEFORE they become mentally ill, to PREVENT them from becoming mentally ill.

Your community creates mental illness. You have many examples of people going crazy around you. I don't have those examples, because my community is still not as harsh and selfish as yours. The last few decades, that has been changing, because of right-wing politics. They have created lots of suffering for people, turning into lots of mental illness.
Still not as much as in the US, but if Dutch voters keep making stupid choices like you, mental illness will only become worse. Your political side is spreading a culture of selfishness and antagonism towards other people. It creates selfish assholes and it creates people who break down, because they cannot handle living in such a world.

Community is hardening. Every day we hear about more civil servants encountering violence. That's from people who grow up in a world that's being shaped by your ideas; there is no community looking out for you, you are on your own, get what you can, treat everyone around you like the enemy. Your ideas are turning everyone into predators, because that's what survival of the fittest demands.
Stop treating people like animals, and they won't become animals.

By leopoldij at 27,Apr,24 19:48 other posts of leopoldij 
By the way, trump, who thinks of him as jesus, has launched his bible (that he's never read) and sells it to idiots who're willing to give him $60.

Since it's difficult to understand (he used his father's nazi German language) it's now been translated into ordinary American English and is available for 1/12 of trump's price:

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By phart at 27,Apr,24 18:11 other posts of phart 
Cat, if this is so,will it bother you as much as the supposed interference from russia to get Trump elected?
Even blinkin is admiting Trump would be a problem for china and is wanting biden reelected.
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By phart at 27,Apr,24 13:19 other posts of phart 
Hey Leo, I know you won't reply but what about this ungrateful bastard and his knife?
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Illegal immigrant, gets thru to the uk by way of the Nether regions as a asylum seeker. Where have we heard of that term alot lately? UM?
Tried to kill the person that was providing him shelter then goes out and kills a man out for a morning walk.

By #610414 at 26,Apr,24 16:29
Newly minted RNC chair Lara Trump says they've got lawsuits cooking in 81 states. There are 50 states.

It runs in the family.

By leopoldij at 25,Apr,24 23:13 other posts of leopoldij 
A 13 year old girl tried to kill 3 people in a school in Dyfed-Powys.
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But she could only get hold of knives, so nobody died. I'm sure she would have easily used guns if she could get hold of them. But there aren't many around.
By phart at 26,Apr,24 01:12 other posts of phart 
Leo,is the weapon your only concern?
Why are you not concerned about a 13 year old actually wanting to kill someone?
A 13 year old girl is at the age of kissing a boy the first time, going on play dates, learning to cook.

Where did this 1 obtain the desire to kill?
Could it be she ask for help from a teacher or parent and didn't get any? Like I did myself in school when I was constantly bullied?
could it be she is on powerful medications that are causing mood swings prompting this behavior?
Could it be she is a gamer and thinks just push a reset button?
What Prompted her to want to kill? Solve that problem and it won't matter if you scatter Thompson sub machine guns around the city park, they won't be used won't be needed.

If you hired a man to build a house and he did a lousy job, would you punish his hammer by sending it to the smelter or would you address the man and expect action?
The tool is not the problem. it is the user.

By phart at 25,Apr,24 18:26 other posts of phart 
it seems UK has a knife problem?
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By Sir-Skittles at 24,Apr,24 01:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Cat's new pic
By #610414 at 24,Apr,24 20:56
Sir-Skittles, you raghead, you've been sucking too hard. That's a pic of your mom before she emigrated to Afghanistan and shacked up with your Dad, the village idiot.
By phart at 25,Apr,24 02:40 other posts of phart 
but cat, the left arm is like a T rex, no way to get the curly frys high enough,
poor skittles, his mom couldn't get her frys.
By #610414 at 25,Apr,24 15:17

By #610414 at 23,Apr,24 15:19
A handful of the migrants shipped off to Martha’s Vineyard by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis 18 months ago are now legally allowed to work in the US — because they’re considered victims of a crime, their attorney says.

The migrants applied last year for a special type of visa designated for crime victims — known as a U-visa — after they claimed they were duped into boarding charter flights from San Antonio, Texas, to the upmarket liberal enclave in Massachusetts with the false promises of jobs and housing.

Hahaha. Way to go DeSantis. You are contributing to the labor pool. 🤣🤣😈
By phart at 23,Apr,24 17:53 other posts of phart 
naw,it's a bunch of soro's supported lawyers finding loopholes.

By #610414 at 22,Apr,24 23:09
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And in Florida today...

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