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Family nudity

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Started by #173544 at 16,Jul,11 18:55
the wife and I are long time nudists, our daughter and son love being nude with us. I personally think this is great, others don't. whets your opinion?

Similar topics: 1.mass nudity   2.Public Nudity   3.are you comfortable naked around other people game nudity   5.Nude family  

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By fila1305 at 22,Jul,11 08:02 other posts of fila1305 
I think what the main issue is here, is that we need to make a clear distinction between nudism and exhibitonism. Where with exhibitionism the person is nude because showing them self off is exciting to that person, with nudism there is no erotic or sexual underlining.

Like Bushpilot says, there are times you can and times you can't go nude. On restricted areas like nude beaches or nudism resorts there should be no problem. I have never been to such a place, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is a high social control between the people there in regards to perverts or other people that do not follow the rules of the resort/beach.

Of course it's up to any individual to decide whether one goes nude. As long as the children are comfortable with it and only go nude where it's 'normal' and by their own free will, then I think there should be no problem.

I can see what Bushpilot means with puberty setting in and getting a different look at one's body. I think that by then the reference to respecting someone's choice and feelings and 'by their own free will' is very important. If they decide, as an adult, to pick up nudism again, then that's fine. If not, that should be fine as well.

By #59855 at 18,Jul,11 07:11
From Matt's Wife: Not into it at all, especially with children
By #7976 at 18,Jul,11 18:53
This is only a question, not anything else. When your getting dressed, taking a shower, or otherwise getting dressed or undressed for bed, do you shoo your kids out of the room?
By #59855 at 22,Jul,11 06:50
From Matt's Wife: I am talking about taking children out in public nude. Wrong on many levels

By #59855 at 18,Jul,11 18:39
From Matts Wife: Yes Johnson but what about those that take their children to a public area for nudist and display them? That is wrong
By #7976 at 18,Jul,11 19:11
Let me say firstly that we never took our girls to the nude beach but it wasn't because we wouldn't have, we just got too damn busy to go ourselves. And, when we were with them we usually had ten other things to do.

In our years of going to nudist beaches however, we met and became friends with many families who enjoyed nudism together. The kids would go off and play and the adults would sun, play cards, or just sit and talk. No one ever paid attention to the kids and if anyone did look wrongly at them there would have been one dead pervert on the beach.

During my college curriculum I took a course on Social Deviance and we studied nudism as a general topic. One statistic that stuck with me is that when children reach puberty they generally stop going to public nude beaches even if they live in a totally nudist family. With the onset of puberty boys and girls become very self conscious of their bodies. They may or may not remain nudists in their adult years but they stop of their own volition during this period.

As to "displaying them", there is less harm done in my opinion in going to a nude beach as a family than by putting children in beauty contests or trying to make them into child models or actors. That, in my opinion, is true child exploitation.

As always darlin, I do respect your opinions but on this one my live experiences says I am in disagreement. Where I do agree with you though is that if I ever come across someone exploiting their children at a nudist beach I would take them into my custody and call a Cop. Exploitation in any form is cruel, immoral, and completely unjustified.

By #178638 at 18,Jul,11 15:55
being nude with the wife or husband...fine knock yourselves out. But for the love of god, don't bring up the kids to believe that is acceptable behaviour. let them make their own decision when older...

I realise you didn't specify ages for ur children, just saying if there's any younguns involved.
By #7976 at 18,Jul,11 19:02
I respect everyone's opinion and how one raises their kids is certainly their choice - as it should be. However, I'll have to take exception to your comments here. In my opinion, and that's exactly what it is, there's nothing wrong with being nude in front of your family during ones normal daily activities. We never stopped our kids from getting into bed with us when they were small or showering with them or getting dressed or undressed in front of them. Hiding from kids only gives them a sense that nudity is bad and that creates a repressive atmosphere relating to nudity.

Now, lets be clear, we're not talking about running around the house exposing ones genitals around the kids. It's not verbally convincing them that nudity is great and they should be nudists. In fact, we taught our kids that there's a time and place for nudity but there's nothing inherently wrong with being naked, alone or in a group with similar feelings.

They're both grown now and neither of them is a prude but neither of them, as far as I know, goes to nude beaches as they know their mom and dad do. If I ever saw one of them at a nude beach or sunning topless on a camping trip to the wilderness I would simply consider them to have a very healthy attitude about their bodies.

Well, that's my opinion and my experience. Everyone is certainly rightful in a different opinion.

By Maxi at 18,Jul,11 07:05 other posts of Maxi 
thatґs great of course

By #7976 at 17,Jul,11 22:03
I have been a nudist since I was a teenager. My family all tolerate me but I don't impose on them in any other than normal nudity around the house. My wife and I both like to go to nude beaches but our daughters are a bit shy in their maturing years. I see nothing wrong with being nude within or as a family. Nudity is a normal phase of everyone's day so why be shy or neurotic about it. You sound very normal to me and your family sounds well grounded in their acceptance of their bodies.

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