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are you comfortable naked around other people

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Started by #444961 at 22,Dec,13 15:04
being that im on this site im comfortable naked in front of other people being my doctor,or freinds , or people i dont know but im a bit different when it comes to nudity around the family does anyone feel similar

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By #294596 at 24,Dec,13 04:58
I love being naked in front of people. Unfortunately it seems that being naked in front of people bothers them.
By Ray10754 at 24,Dec,13 11:29 other posts of Ray10754 
Yes that is unfortunate, sad that people cant seperate simple nudity and sex.

By Ray10754 at 22,Dec,13 15:38 other posts of Ray10754 
Been a nudist/naturist for most of my adult life,Have no problem being nakid infront of others at all,the nakid body is a work of art in it self and should be admired by all on a non sexual level.
I live a nudist lifestyle 24/7 only dressing in clothing when need to (Work,shopping and things of that nature) Most of the people that come to my home know that I am a avid nudist and expect to se me nude.
I however do respect others and will cover up if some one is uncomfortable with it.
My family all know that I am a nudist and live the life to the fullest, I respct them and they respect me no matter what.
All of my family members have seen me nude at som point in time, however they have no desire to join me at all Witch I totaly respct.
As long as nudity is not portraied in a sexual manner there is nothing wrong with it at all,It is a very comforting and rewarding way to live
By JeffinKS at 22,Dec,13 15:50 other posts of JeffinKS 
Heck yea Ray! Ditto on everything. I love the freedom that comes with being nude. plus in a nudist environment, nudity is a great equalizer.. there is no way to judge social status I.E. no fancy clothes and jewelry to distinguish between wealthy and not so wealthy.... plus seeing a nice cock swinging around is always a plus...
By Ray10754 at 22,Dec,13 15:55 other posts of Ray10754 
The unfortunat thig about it is ,The majority of people (men and woman ) both have a dificult time seperating it from a sexual issue.I find that to be a sad thing about society!
By JeffinKS at 22,Dec,13 15:59 other posts of JeffinKS 
yes it is sad that this is very true... most people are very prudish. the ones that make me laugh the most.... are gay men that absolutely refuse to be nude around other men... that I don't understand..

By bella! at 22,Dec,13 15:29 other posts of bella! 
I will ask you the same thing I asked Lonewolf_ICT, are you a nudist ? Seriously, going to the doctor for a prostate exam or annual mammogram and pap smear will require you to disrobe. If you're a nudist and your family knows you're a nudist and you're uncomfortable being in their presence au natural, maybe you're really not a nudist, just a common, run of the mill, whack-a-doodle.
By JeffinKS at 22,Dec,13 15:37 other posts of JeffinKS 

By JeffinKS at 22,Dec,13 15:11 other posts of JeffinKS 
I used to be but not anymore..... I figure if they don't like seeing me nude they don't have to look or they can leave..... it's just my body, just because I am naked doesn't mean I want sex....
By bella! at 22,Dec,13 15:17 other posts of bella! 
Are you a nudist or naturist?
By JeffinKS at 22,Dec,13 15:20 other posts of JeffinKS 
Yes Bella it is wonderful to naked in the sun!
By bella! at 22,Dec,13 15:30 other posts of bella! 
Obviously, you are not in Michigan!

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