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Started by #52093 at 22,Jul,11 20:26
My current boyfreind is pretty dam good at getting me off, trouble is its not usually fucking. He fingers, licks, sucks, etc. And its always good, but he lasts less than 1-2 min when he fucks. I really like him but I love a guy giving me a good long fuck too. Anyone got any ideas on what I should do? Feel it would make him feel really bad if I tell him.

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By #179439 at 22,Jul,11 20:34
Just kind of bring it up. That's the only way he will know what you like... just reassure him that he's still good with everything else you just like a good long fucking
By #37334 at 22,Jul,11 21:25
So you think he can fix this? I think once a minute man always a minute man
By WristThick at 25,Jul,11 06:11 other posts of WristThick 
When I was a teen, I had a BAD case of premature ejaculation for nearly a year. Not uncommon for a lot of guys growing up. You cum real fast, but you can go two, three, four... more times real easy. That's why they call it "teenage sex".

So I definitely don't agree with you that "once a minute man always a minute man".

By #52093 at 22,Jul,11 21:50
how old is your BF? I used to be pretty quick when I was teens/early twenties and I got better. Edging and excercise also do improve your ability to last like oldbugle commented. If your still not happy, I and many others would love to take his place

By #6568 at 22,Jul,11 21:36
Several things to try;

If you encourage him to ejaculate well before you have sex he will last longer the second time. This works well for many men who are too 'fast'.

Also, encourage him to masturbate using 'edging'....ie., approach orgasm but then stop briefly to regain control and restart. The books of Dr Barbara Keesling also contain a method for men to 'plot' their arousal and thus gain control of it and even become multi-orgasmic.

'Kegel', or pelvic floor excercises carried out daily (and steadily extended) will soon greatly extend his endurance, give him control and greatly enhance the quality of both his erection and orgasm.

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