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Guys in Cincinnati Ohio down for a fling?

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Started by #179873 at 14,Aug,11 08:01
I've only been with a guy once when I was 17. It's been 15 years since then. I've been wanting to suck a cock so badly for so long that I can't stand it anymore. I am in a hetero relationship which is why I'm looking for a no strings fling. I'm really only interested in giving oral but I would be willing to be turned on enough to fuck. Anyone interested in blowing their load in my mouth?

Similar topics: 1.Cincinnati bound. anyone there?   2.ohio guys   3.ohio cock   4.Guys from ohio   5.Anyone in Ohio?  

New Comment

By #248658 at 30,Jun,15 17:26
I'm in Cincinnati, Ohio.

By spermkiss at 14,Aug,11 17:46 other posts of spermkiss 
Cincinnati, my old home town. I was born and raised there but moved to San Francisco in 1979. It's the Queen City so you should find some takers.

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