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girlfriend getting fingered

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Started by #124187 at 18,Aug,11 10:39
my girlfriend is out tonight and has finally agreed to fuck someone else. i find this a massive turn on and can't wait to see how she goes. has anyone else had an wxperience like this? how did it go?

Similar topics: 1.fucking my girlfriend   2.fuck my girlfriend   3.jerking off or fingering yourself   4.girlfriend and ex   5.Fingering  

New Comment

By #7976 at 21,Aug,11 21:47
My first wife and I did some swinging in College. It was usually with another couple or in small groups but it was interesting. Since we were both getting fucked there wasn't any jealousy and the sex was really great as i recall. I enjoyed sitting in a chair with a wife sitting in my lap, my cock deep in her pussy or ass, while we watched our spouses fucking. It was a super turn on and we came hard more than once watching the action. Only once did I share her with a single guy and it was fun too but not as much as a couples swap. In either event, she and I were satisfied but went home and fucked till we couldn't fuck any more.

Here's hoping your lady enjoys the action as much as you. I'd love to fuck her for you but an ocean stands in the way. Cheers mate.

By #181785 at 21,Aug,11 20:20
I would love to fuck her, while I suck your cock

By slipper at 19,Aug,11 00:30 other posts of slipper 
I'd love to see pix/vids!!! Maybe later, if all goes well this time.
By #124187 at 19,Aug,11 08:29
oh don't worry that is at the front of my mind

By #5532 at 18,Aug,11 15:54
From the looks of your girlfriend we would love to help along with this
By #124187 at 19,Aug,11 08:28
if only i would love for you 2 to help out!

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