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Started by #17000 at 12,Sep,11 17:19
So I go looking at my friends pics, see a new one, click on it and get this: "This is a private image meant not for you, so you cannot see it." Well, my question to admin is, why not? Since when have private pics amongst friends been posted on a general page, i.e., between friends?

If nothing else, admin, your rule change has sure sparked some interest this morning/afternoon, so much so I keep getting blocked. To say the least, free is not free, hay?

New Comment

By mikeyd270 at 15,Sep,11 21:54 other posts of mikeyd270 
br549dickI have had the same thing happen. I click on my friends recent uploads and see a new picture. I click on the picture and get the message you just stated. Seems a bit confusing. My question is if it is a private picture meant for me not to view well it is a bit too late because I have already viewed it. I may not be able to enlarge it or comment on it but I have seen it. I understand the feature. You may want to send a face picture to only one of your friends but be warned all your friends can view it on there friends recent upload page so delete it quick.
By #159742 at 15,Sep,11 22:17
I just noticed that the other day. Makes me think twice about doing private uploads since apparently they aren't private.
By mikeyd270 at 16,Sep,11 06:26 other posts of mikeyd270 
I only noticed it recently. Maybe a defect in the system but right now you are right your private uploads are not entirely private.

By #159795 at 12,Sep,11 17:22
Another fucking cry baby
By #17000 at 12,Sep,11 17:33
fuck you, dick head. i asked a question to admin, not your fucking ugly dick. hey, you know womething? you're a dick head.

Adult Discussion Forum