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Does anybody elses cock do this?

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Started by #202700 at 19,Oct,11 17:48
My cock is tiny but when I get a hard on it gets HUGE, its like someone elses cock! Okay maybe not huge but much bigger! Please have a look and tell me please, am I crazy?

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By #126975 at 20,Oct,11 03:03
I'm a grower as well. Living in America, and working in the Prison system for more than a decade, I have seen thousands of males nude. First understand the US is comprised of every race from around the world, 1 big melting pot, secondly working in the prison system, because the way they are set up, there is no privacy in them at all, toilets are in the open, as well as showers, but most of all the strip searches that occur at any time, those who have been locked up know what i mean. What I would say is 8 out of 10 males are, or 80% are in the normal range of 5" to 6" some are smaller, some are bigger( Note: the showers are where most inmates will wank a load off, even though they will say they are washing them ...LOL), not like what you see here SYD 80% are huge ( or Photo shopped, the internet has a way of making them really stand out). The smallest penis I ever saw belong to Phillipino guy, And the largest I ever saw belong to 5'8" hispanic male, which to be honest would have put 90% of the big guys on SYD to shame, it was like Dolly Parton with big tit's, only this was a dick, LOL.. And what is funny is most people think that black folks have huge cocks, but actaully they fit into the normal range as well, I will say this most blacks are showers not growers (this I believe mostly belongs to the whites as a rule of thumb). I know most here are looking for some kind of approval about what they have, which really puzzles me, you cannot do anything to change what you are or what you have, you are one of a kind, Just like the folks that say bigger is better, And i have known several ladies over the years and they have always say size has never been an issue, it's how you handle the relationship. Probably the funniest I have heard yet is whether cut or uncut feels better, How in the earth can another individual know how another feels, this one really takes the cake, so don't get yourself all cuaght up on alot of the BS that strolls down SYD/SYC. You are who you are one of a kind, be happy to be alive, and do not worry about what others think, participate in showing your photos, forum, be here for the fun of an adult nature, Namely another sexual outlet. And as a final note "remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
By #23212 at 20,Oct,11 03:35
Very well said.

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