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Started by #22771 at 10,Jan,15 06:13
Hey there,

I was just wondering, when you have anal sex, how do u prevent getting feces on your dick, or leaving some one someone elses?


Similar topics: 1.First Anal Sex experience for anal   3.First time anal   4.Gay guys who don't like anal?   5.Serious inquiry into anal  

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By #463848 at 09,Dec,17 12:24
Not into anal sex but I use a bidet shower head for other reasons. It produces a strong **** of water which is of course controllable for your preference.

The hotter the water temperature, the more your anus will open and it is possible to completely wash out the rectum in this way.

I would imagine that it is much more convenient than an enema.

This particular spray attachment can easily replace the normal spray attachment on the bath taps and can be used quite easily whilst sitting on a towel over the edge of the bath.

By #485312 at 05,May,15 13:46
no guarantees in anal, l tell dudes if they choose to fuck my arse, they could get shit on their dick, if they cant handle wiping it off, than don't fuck it...if l know lm having a big anal session, l will give myself a couple of enemas, just makes the odds a bit better for not getting crap on it...and always have a towel or tissues handy...*lix*
By shinybellend at 05,May,15 20:45 other posts of shinybellend 
Awesome lol. I have ass fucked a few girls I have, and I think it was the one time that I pulled my cock out and there was a bit of shit on my cock head that was my hottest anal sex session I had. I wasted no time putting my cock back in her arse! I like it clean but if its gonna be dirty so be it.

By #435701 at 15,Jan,15 19:56
You really need to have an enema. Or 2. then check you are clean by using a dildo afterwards. Will give you confidence for your bottoming session...I mean one with a bag you can hang up in the shower and fill with warm water. If you don't want to do that, they do sell individual bottles.

By #204766 at 15,Jan,15 13:58
Excellent hygiene there is needed

By leopoldij at 10,Jan,15 11:08 other posts of leopoldij 
the second part is easier. just make sure to clean yourself well. keep the tap running warm water, get your middle finger wet and stick it up your ass and clean it. rinse again and repeat the process as necessary.

the first part is trickier. really, your partner must do the same.

wear a condom too.

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