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My wife rubbing my nipples

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Started by #203276 at 26,Oct,11 01:26
I was on top of my wife tonight making love to her, and she started rubbing my nipples with her thumbs, and I almost immediatley cum'd inside of her... Where the hell did that come from... Wow!

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New Comment

By #201030 at 01,Nov,11 05:09
nip play is so stimulating. when i get mine licked and sucked it creates a sensation just like your building up to blow a load. have her suck and lick your nipples as she strokes your dick, teases your dickhead, or fondles your balls. you won't end foreplay without some nip play once you do.

By #88663 at 31,Oct,11 15:47
Love to have my nipples played with! Used to have a gf who would pinch them while she fucked my ass!

By bradyD at 26,Oct,11 02:55 other posts of bradyD 
I totally love the nip attention! Mine are hard wired directly to my cock

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