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What would you do ?

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Started by #200236 at 28,Oct,11 22:30
After a long exhausting day at work you arrive home to find me naked in your backyard sleeping on a lounge chair with my hard throbbing cock pointing skyward. Would you wake me and escort me from the property or would you take advantage of the situation and slowly begin to work on my hard cock?

New Comment

By pifad at 29,Oct,11 13:02 other posts of pifad 
I would take full advantage of the situation. Your neighbors would be filming us!

By #181785 at 29,Oct,11 06:16
I would escort the head of your cock to the back of my throat

By bradyD at 29,Oct,11 04:49 other posts of bradyD 
I'd have to escort you....

.....to my hot tub

Adult Discussion Forum