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Started by #9377 at 28,Aug,09 13:28
Anyone out there know of more good websites just like this...?

Similar topics: 1.similar sites?   2.Sites Like This...   3.similar sites?   4.Sites similar to Doublelist   5.Hook up sites  

New Comment

By #10886 at 28,Aug,09 14:32
There is a new feature called bookmarks....members can list favorite sites. It is a little empty, but as we add sites it will get better! Check it out!
By admin at 28,Aug,09 14:37 other posts of admin 
I'm afraid I failed on that project. People do not even understand how to import bookmarks from their browsers...

Anyway, the link to it is only registered users can see external links
By #10886 at 28,Aug,09 14:49
I had a problem with that so I just copied the address and pasted it. Seems to work. Gotta remember admin, most of us are computer illiterate!!

By the way, can you see all the submissions, or just your own?
By admin at 28,Aug,09 18:03 other posts of admin 
The problem is - there is nothing to see. Indeed the idea was to see and compare, that was the meaning of that site - look what others like and thus find something new that you like.

But so far people submitted only like 15 sites... 250 registered members. I do not understand why they register at all. They did, however, submit a lot of junk keywords into movies section, as there is no validation like in sites section. I must stress this - not movie titles, just keywords like "teen", "big boobs", etc. I guess they think it's a search box and do not read what it really means.

I know most of people are not too bright and too egocentric to read carefully, I myself never read things like terms of use or license agreements, but I did not expect people are that stupid. And this has nothing to do with a computer literacy. To do not be able to understand what "movie title" is - you gotta be illiterate at all, not just computer illiterate. Yet, they are able to enter search queries there like "preteen" and "lolita" (obviously pedophilic). Damn!
By #10886 at 28,Aug,09 18:30
Remain calm!! There is no need to panic!!

Give it a little time, we will get it soon. Just let it run for a while before you dump it. I am sure it will get better! You are doing a great job, so relax!
By admin at 28,Aug,09 18:46 other posts of admin 
The worst part is - I do not even see any clues what to do. I'm very well aware that I'm too into computers and most of people do not think in a way I do, so I just listen what they say and try to change everything in a way more comfortable for them. But with that site... I did not get any useful feedbacks nor can I understand anything from the behaviour of the site visitors. Usually I can understand something from what people do on site, even if they do not say anything. But in this case, I'm totally lost. What more can I do when people use "Enter new MOVIE that you like" form as a search box to look for pedophilia?

I will not kill the site, indeed, it cost near to nothing to maintain it (as there are no pics or vids) and may be when some visitors from search engines appear there I will start getting some feedbacks. But at the moment I'm lost.

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