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Well, should I?

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Started by #176976 at 11,Nov,11 07:04
always been straight and just love touching, licking and fucking ladies.... but feel quite turned on by the thought of a guy wanking me off and shooting my load in his mouth.. in fact i'm getting a hard on typing this....

so, should i try it or not??

And have you ever been in this position and done it.. what was it like the first time??

New Comment

By spermkiss at 11,Nov,11 16:32 other posts of spermkiss 
Should you try it? Of course your should! You should even take it a step further and suck his dick and take his load in your mouth. You'll be a better man for having done this.

Have I ever been in this position? Well, not exactly because I'm as gay as they come. But when a couple of opportunities to have sex with women came along I went for it. I've even gone so far as to eat pussy.

By #88663 at 11,Nov,11 14:17
Do it! And while your at it take hold of his cock! You will love the feel

Adult Discussion Forum