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How much of your penis can you fit in a vagina?

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Started by #137025 at 11,Nov,11 22:33
My penis is 5.5 inches long and 5.5 girth. Both my girlfriends have been able to fit the entire thing in their vaginas.

I'm wondering what its like for everyone else? If you can't fit it all in, what does it feel like to fill her up?

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New Comment

By Walker at 23,Nov,11 00:01 other posts of Walker 
Well all of it once the woman has her cunt opened up. I have fucked several virgins in my day and many non virgin cunts. I find than about half of the non virgin cunts I have fucked only had about half their depth i opened up. The first time it happened I heard the chick grown and ask what was that. I took your inner virginity. They admitted they hadn't really enjoyed sex and had difficulty having vaginal orgasm. A six inch deep cunt is normal.

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