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Should I shave?

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Started by #169717 at 23,Nov,11 17:52
About every month I wax the hair on my balls and dick, but don't shave/wax my pubic area. Sitting here alone, horny, and naked, and I'm thinking about taking ALL the hair off down there. What do you think? Should I?

Similar topics: 1.To shave or not to shave, that is the question? people who shave shave or not to shave   4.Why do guys shave their pubes ? shave or not to shave ?  

New Comment

By #169717 at 23,Nov,11 21:09
Well, the deed is done. Take a look:
By Ray10754 at 24,Nov,11 00:11 other posts of Ray10754 
Looks good bud!!

By Ray10754 at 23,Nov,11 18:37 other posts of Ray10754 
Well thats a topic that is asked a lot here,Being a lover of being shaved, I would say yes,But that is totaly up to you! I'm sure,(Being that I have been a member here for a while) ,you will get a wide range of responces to your question.Being that you already do wax, you know what an excelent feeling it is to be smooth to some point,having it all gone would be ten fold, the feling! But that is just my two cents worth! BY the way,Great looking package, If you do decide to remove it all, please post some photos for us to admire!!

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